92 [This gap down ruining my setups! Mar 27, 2020]

  • TLRY still have 1/5 left, 10kshares in case it goes to 10/11. Starting to stalk short side but I think it needs one leg higher. TLRY upside halt.
  • Not happy about this gap down, I had so many short setups coming into today all gapping down, all ruined. Was mainly going to take this SPXL but it’s gapping down 11%. We could go up, we could go down. I really don’t see an edge right now. An ideal scenario if we fade the gap today, retest yest lows or something, and then get some lower highs into late day, I’d prob maybe short some into that. Shorted orls SPXL, I think a lot of people that have been chasing these bottom bounces may want to cash out of these before the weekend.
  • It’s also good to see some rw, with this market bounce, which stocks are not bouncing, those are the first ones to go down, once the markets stop going higher.
  • AYTU looks interesting, gonna do a starter, chart looks so good. Only thing that’s been holding this thing down is the warrant sellers, but its holding up and every time tries to break out again, once the sellers are done will explode. Did 100kshares may add later if sets up well. Bought some more.
  • BA missed the entry, taking out orls. BA has been showing rs the past few days and now it’s just weak as hell.
  • INO went, of course, such a perfect chart pattern, such a perfect one.
  • Okay I have my positions, I’m long and short at the same time. Kinda hard to see the direction of the market right now. The ultra bearish setup was destroyed by the gap down, plan was to sell most of SOXL into gap up and go short SPXL, but rn we’re in limbo. Probably going to get stopped out of my shorts.
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