85 [Many large cap leaders down $35-40%+. Huge opportunity or a trap? Mar 18, 2020]

  • Two short setups I’m watching today, APRN and BNTX. Both of these have tripled, APRN has quadrupled in a few days. Not touching out of gate, both found support and bouncing rn. I am watching APRN but it needs to tighten up a little bit before I short it, could go red on the day. Feels like they want to take this higher, I prob wont short even it it takes out lods.
  • TVIX took a starter short. TVIX still hanging out near hods, clearly some rs here. It’s just a patience game. I think there is going to be some incredible opportunity in the future, but rn it’s just about not doing anything crazy. I’m not happy with the way I’ve been trading TVIX, I’ve been too aggressive with it and I haven’t waited for backside, so rn I’m just going to wait for backside. I did trade orl but that’s something I always do, you know, but unless it takes out lods I’m not going to trade it. It’s still holding up so well, it needs to start showing some weakness compared to SPY to really size in.
  • SPY you can clearly see on the 60min chart the technical levels, it’s been building lhs all the way. It can’t get up above this 60min 20ema, they just keep selling it every time it tries. Too bad we’re not going lower SPYs. So two days in a row we’ve undercut the previous day’s lows and then rallied, maybe a sign of a bottoming attempt, but unless we take out this downtrending line, we are not in great shape. I think once the mrkt stops going down on bad news, or even starts going higher on bad news, that would be a good sign. Rn the mrkt takes a dump every time there’s bad news, and we really haven’t had any good news so.
  • I try not to speculate, bc I really have no idea about things like that. I just try to trade the price action.
  • A bunch of China names have earnings today and a Brazilian name, but I have no interest in earnings related stuff rn, everything is trading with the market, pretty much.
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