83 [I’m turning BULLISH again on some of the virus names? Mar 11, 2020]

  • All cash. Only holding DXCM that refuses to go down. Waiting for opportunities, think there may be some bounces comin, unfortunately some gap ups in corona names premarket.
  • TVIX held a position overnight but covered pm for a small loss. Just took out orls, shorted some. Will add through 5min orls. If it takes out lods gonna add more, but rn building hls intraday so could very easily blow me out of my position. Now looks like it wants to weaken here, building lhs. TVIX doesn’t want to break down yet, held perfectly, if it reclaims vwap will stop out of add. Stopped second adds, but reshort if it takes out lods.
  • AYTU offering at 1.15 pm and at 1.90s rn, prob gonna go lower. AYTU look at these volume candles insane, look at the 60min candle today hasn’t even traded 5mins, insane. AYTU I talked about that little trigger at 1.40s, ran up 100% in like an hour. Stalking AYTU, especially with the news of today’s offering, bet this thing is packed with shorts. I wouldn’t be surprised if it made a nice move later, almost traded 40M shares, and market hasn’t even been open for 20mins, unbelievable. It’s now above vwap, has been building hls, has a range here 2.25 area, I’ll take a starter if it firms up a little more. Took starter 2.18 100kshares, 2.06 tight stop, will add another 2-300k shares if it shapes up later, rn it has to reclaim vwap. With this kinda volume just incredible. Stopped out starter but will re if takes out 2.20, shook me out but has been building hls 1/5min. AYTU finally broke down, and like the perfect breakdown, lhs, a range break and then a flush. and it’s not even near the pricing, this thing priced at 1.15, still could have easily 60c downside.
  • NVAX, I think it’s flagging, if it can go sideways one more day, build a higher low and a tight day, it’s gonna be a nice bullish looking setup, if it can build another hl and a tighter day than yesterday.
  • INO about to take out orhs, could easily go back to 8/9 but I don’t wanna chase it here. Ffs already up 10% from orhs. INO ideal scenario is if it pulls back, goes sideways for an hour or two, then starts perking off some kinda support mid or late day, that would be a nice r/r setup. INO I guess I should have bought it off vwap. If I can find a setup where I can risk 20/30c I will trade it, but it’s not ready yet, I just need a tight setup.
  • APT triggered, had a stop buy order set, think could bounce back to 12/13 bucks before any real resistance. At least I have APT but APT is the laggard. At least I have APT but I don’t have much size on this thing. APT wow I have 50kshares I had a double buy order in, made money on a fat finger, just sold 10kshares. If CODX can go back into range, why can’t APT also. I should but I’m not gonna sell any APT, I’m going greed mode here, my target is 15s, mid/high 11s I’ll sell tiny.
  • CODX up 42% on the day damn, 16% from orhs. CODX went up 40% from orhs. That’s the one I wasn’t gonna trade bc it gapped up 15%, I didn’t want to chase that gap up, but that’s the one that went up the most. Sometimes chasing strength is the best thing you can do. CODX could be a great shorting opp especially if it can get back to 14/15 tomos.
  • It’s a patience game, it’s all about waiting. Mrkts haven’t been able to put in any kind of bounce yet, from these pretty oversold levels, so anything could happen, we could easily take another dump. Look at the SPY weekly chart, the 200weekly has been a big support level for the whole bull market pretty much, it could easily test this thing, and undercut it, so down another 5-10% easily.
  • ONEM another stock like TDOC, tele-health theme, broke out yday looks like it’s gonna have some follow through today.
  • TLSA (not Tesla), back near highs, already up 200% and building hls intraday, this thing could go to 10. This thing went from 2 bucks to 10.60 premarket, it’s super volatile, this thing has 10% 1 min candles like nothing, incredibly volatile, maybe if it tightens up later in the day there could be a setup there. Just like on AIM yest, it chopped around early in the day, got halted a few times, then midday it got really tight, perked off vwap had big volume b/o and boom.
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