82 [$TVIX still has 50% of downside! Mar 10, 2020]

  • Super frustrating, markets closed near lows yesterday so I was super afraid of a big gap down, and now we’re gapping up today. Annoying today, if we had gapped down would have had some 5 star setups on lots of things, right now there’s no edge, just as likely to go up or down.
  • DWT took a loss yesterday closed near highs, now it’s gapping down. Oil gapping up destroying these XOP and DWT plays, not ideal scenario. Energy sector in the middle of nowhere, I don’t see an edge here. I think we need a few more days to build some ranges. I think there is a fairly good chance yest was a bottom in the energy sector, and you could obv play it with a risk to yest lows, but I need to see more ranges in this thing. GUSH is toast, you know things are bad in the energy sector when the triple etfs are up less than the unlevered etf, that’s not great.
  • TVIX only held small 2k shares overnight. Shorted some here pm but looks like prob get stopped out. TVIX fading slightly, does still have a lot of downside, if the fear starts coming out of the market. Stopped out starter entry.
  • AYTU up 300% and halted. AYTU just like that about to lose lods after unhalt. Didn’t actually take out lods, bounced perfectly, interesting.
  • IBIO looks weak, thinking orls maybe could have some juice to the downside, thing has room back to a dollar, is breaking key support levels. The only one I’m looking to short at these levels is IBIO, bc it looks clean. It looks like it’s about to break down below this little formation, and it has a lot of downside, could go back to sub 1.
  • TSLA short? Not here, it’s just in the middle of a range, right now it’s just in no mans land, maybe if it bounces back to like mid 700s or maybe below this 605 area, but thats probably a few days away. Right now there’s an air pocket between 605 and like 500, if it takes that out there’s room to like 400, so I think there’s still a lot of downside in TSLA, but I think it needs at least a few more days to setup. But this thing could easily fade another 150/200 points from these levels, especially if the market remains weak, but there’s a lot of optimism in TSLA stock obv.
  • Remember guys, after 2 1/2 weeks of insanity and literally 3-5 really good opps every day, now is the time to wait for things to settle, wait for things to play out. Every day is not created equal in the mrkts. Don’t do anything stupid, out of boredom.
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