68 [Great earnints reports and a short candidate. Feb 18, 2020]

  • SPCE watching today for a short. I don’t know why I didn’t buy this thing, I saw it breaking out, it’s up 50% from the b/o level [day 5 up] Hopefully gets to 35 or something first, at this point it does have easily 7 dollars of downside. Shorted orls, going straight down, need a bounce for a potential add later on. So far looks very strong, stopped out of SPCE. SPCE made a marginal new high now it’s pulling back, if it loses vwap, retests and fails, I’ll reshort it, but really I want it to go higher. I’d like to see this 31.50 to break on the downside.
  • PLUG & BLDP, I will add depending how they act. BLDP did add small orhs 7kshares 11.71. Up 5% on adds gonna sell some. I’m just selling 5/10% of my position every 5% or so. This price action prior to the breakout, straight up hls for a month. I think these both have 50% upside from these levels, I think they both go para like in 2014.
  • TSLA gapping up, maybe I’ll buy some orb idk but this could squeeze and easily go 1000+ I really want to be there. Bought some TSLA. Stopped out lods. If it takes out orhs I’m gonna rebuy no doubt. Rebought long after that annoying shakeout.
  • PALL looks like it wants to go to 400, I may buy some orhs. Added 1kshares, only gonna keep full size if it closes very strong, this thing can gap a lot overnight. Reminds me of AGQ went up 500% in less than a year 2010-2011 when SLV had a big move, PALL is just getting started only up 150% over the past year.
  • INMD bought a starter. Stopped out 90c slippage f*ck.
  • LK started to put in a candle here, bought a starter here 10kshares. Added another 5k shares, looks so good. It’s been absorbing these things really well, the MW short attack, corona stuff idk, just looks like it wants to go higher.
  • It’s bad this earnings season, but that’s what happens when markets are extended. I’ve been warning for this kind of action.
  • During the day, I may do this, I may do that, but I’m mostly around. I check in every 30 mins, or 60 mins at least. I also have lots of alerts and stops set, so I don’t have to micro manage everything. In this kinda market, I’m not a day trader or scalper, I give my stocks plenty of room. Some of these names I’ve been in for months and months, I give them a lot of room. No point in watching every tick.
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