65 [Filing for a Large Trader with the SEC!!! Feb 12, 2020]

  • SHOP I bought 1000shares at 540, now its 570, I wish I bought 2000shares, but it is what it is. I probably won’t add to it, it’s starting to look a bit extended, but I think this thing goes to 1000 this year. It’s just an amazing growth company. 3Qs ago, last spring, when they reported earnings, it was a similar chart, up 45% from recent base, it had an earnings report, and went up for months and months, 70% in next four months. Then it opened slightly red on the day, now unfortunately it’s gapping higher, like 15%, that sucks, but I’m going to try to hold it. I’m risking 13$ to make idk, maybe 700$. SHOP took out orls, if it can’t reclaim that 568 I may size down, but keeping original pm stop 527. Is so far below vwap which is not a great sign, it could fade all the way back and stop me out.
  • TSLA still going sideways in a tight range, does have an upside breakout 786 or so and several downside breakdown levels, but building a triangle formation on the 60min, very clean, either way it breaks I think at least $100 move coming. I may even buy this thing, not as big as I did on the short side but may even buy see if it can go to 1000. Strong candle, I sized down pretty much all of my swing short here. Now taking out this trendline to the upside, see if it can get any juice. So far no juice on TSLA on this upside breakout attempt, just fell back into range, interesting, if it takes out orls I’ll add back the shares I covered. If it can’t breakout to the upside, and starts taking out ranges to the downside, it’s a sign of weakness really. Back in the shares I covered short, next pivot I think is 768, if it takes out I may add more. TSLA so far holding this trendline still, 768 I have an order in to short more, but may just put in another hl and then take out hods later. Never really broke down, built a hl and now it’s just hanging around in this range here.
  • EXAS chart I do like, gapping down but looks really good on the weekly/monthly, big multi year range at 99, building hls for many years, definitely keeping an eye on.
  • MELI I also like for a swing trade, I like how it tested the rising 50 day on earnings yesterday and rebounded back into range.
  • GBTC I wish I’d bought on the weekly break, that 10.40 area.
  • I got this Large Trader Registration from the SEC, wtf is this.
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