49 [Markets just keep grinding higher. Jan 15, 2020]

  • VSTM been flagging nicely, building hls, I think next leg higher could see mid 2s. Looks really good, about to break out.
  • MNK got in yday, looks really good on the weekly, lot of room to run. MNK just sold a piece, locking in some profits.
  • Not a market to be aggressive on the long side rn, every indicator is over bought, put/call ratios, the amount of stocks over the 200day etc, everything very overbought, but I think certain stocks could work have to be very selective though, especially microcap names those are usually the ones that run last, when everyone has missed the rally they want to buy into these pump stocks.
  • TSLA short since yday, 1900shares, looks like it’s gapping down today and willing to add more, I think potentially has $100 downside over the next few weeks. TSLA I added short, 2800shares now. Support area from yday kinda acted as resistance today. Stopped out of adds.
  • BYND have some buy orders ready, still have 2400shares short, covered some pm, $100 is my target to be all out. Bounced perfectly off this rising ema so far. BYND looks like it’s weakening here, been building lhs the past hour.
  • NIO bought some. Looks like it wants to stop me out. Ok I’ll add if it takes out orhs, look at the volume so far on the 60min, crazy. Stopped out. So far been building hls since the opening dip, staying above vwap for now. Just bought 100kshares, total risk gonna be a little over 20k if it stops me out.
  • FCEL not going away, so tight flagging so nicely here. FCEL looks so good, just coming out of this range, tempted to add more.
  • GSX going to be a short candidate, idk if this week but maybe next week, if it starts speeding up and can get more volume, there’s a lot of stocks that look like this just straight up, up 72% from its breakout two months ago.
  • CETX enormous volume on this thing, this tends to fade its gains look at the past 5/6times it’s been up every single time it’s been fading its gains, maybe today is different.
  • TEVA follow through from yday straight up, looks how perfect it looks on the weekly, hls bottomed built a few months of hls then it popped about 70%, pulled back to this rising 20weekly and now it’s having a second leg higher.
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