383 [Can we get a real correction. Sep 28, 2021]

  • CEI I hope this thing goes to like $4/5, I was watching the breakout here on the 60min 1.60s, thinking to myself why didn’t I buy a few mil shares. Would love to see this thing go to 4s or something then have a 50% haircut in one day. I’ve said it many times before, scam stocks make the biggest moves.
  • ARKK looks super vulnerable on the weekly, looks like a big bear flag that’s about to break down. Man I should have shorted this thing.
  • BOIL, nat gas had been the leading sector for many months now, pulled back to the 20day found support built a hl and then it had a breakout on the 60min, I bought with a dollar risk or something and now it’s up 30, this is what swing trading is all about, that’s how you can have a 25% win rate and still make money.
  • XOP the oil and gas names are really strong. Same thing, leading sector, undercut and reclaim 200day, been in a previous uptrend, pulled back to the 20day found support and then I bought the 60min breakout after it had found support on the rising 20day.
  • QS I sold, ARKK breaking down, I don’t trust it, prob gonna regret it prob gonna go to 50 now but that’s fine.
  • BNTX had a picture perfect breakdown from this big big flag. BNTX I had great entries but only got filled 1/4 of my shares, didn’t wanna chase it, I’m just covering it locking it in just incase it wants to bounce here, I just don’t like having a bunch of tiny positions on.
  • URA the only setups I’m really getting excited about, these things could make big follow up moves.
  • MMAT yday was a really really good setup, the market is not that good rn but the setup was 55555+ stars, absolutely fantastic setup.
  • Now this is a good time to see what sectors are holding up, but if we get an undercut of the 200day not a lot of things are gonna hold up.
  • UNFI yeah potential ep, if you got it orhs 39/40s you’re already up 10/15% on it.
  • LXRX had a good setup [23/9/2021] these micro and small cap stocks, in a good market this is what they do, these types of htf can double very quickly, in a choppy market not a lot of follow through.
  • AA these type of commodity stocks it’s better to buy them near the MAs, not when they’re already up a lot, they’re more mean reverting.
  • RKLB kinda holding up, building a potential flag, see if we can tighten up a little bit.
  • HUT had a really really good setup [26/8/2021] holy sh*t, guys if you have to trade one setup it has to be the flag, especially these small/microcap stocks, when they make an initial move and 2/3x then they go sideways a few weeks or a month and start surfing the 10/20day and then they have a range expansion. This is the one setup you should trade, such a simple setup.
  • HOOD yeah it had a range expansion, recent ipo, little bit of a rounded bottom base here, volume breakout, it’s a trade.
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