377 [Back after a break (again)! Sep 13, 2021]

  • Small caps have been lagging for 6months but they’re def showing rw, IWM still inside of a range but if it loses the 200day again, could have a nice flush.
  • ASAN had a beautiful ipo breakout [2/9/2021] having follow through, small account edge.
  • UPST I caught perfectly sold it Friday, was a big one my best trade of the earnings season, went up 75% or so after entry, that was one of the few lcap names that made big moves.
  • ISEE up on bad APLS data.
  • BTCM several great setups, had a 5* setup here [20/8/2021] and this is a 5* setup [31/8/2021]. If you didn’t identify this setup the day before you should either stop trading or work harder.
  • HUT was another one [27/8/2021] I’m telling you guys small account edge, so many setups, you can compound so fast.
  • A lot of things are rolling over, fewer stocks are setting up and going higher, unless we get a big breadth thrust I’d be very cautious, it’s easy to get chopped up in a very low breadth environment where the indices are kinda grinding higher but very few stocks are.
  • ATER is gonna be short watch for tomos, it’s not extended enough yet, and this one too had a 5* setup [9/9/2021] maybe not on the daily but on the 60min look at the hls and how tight it got.
  • CEI another one didn’t really have a setup on the daily but on the 60min it got really tight just below the dollar mark.
  • URA has been extreme, unfortunately I’m not participating but hopefully in a few weeks we get some sideways, MAs catch up and we get a flag.
  • TQQQ oh wow things are really tanking now.
  • SPYs I hope we get a proper wash out like 10/15% get the SPYs to the 200day then a end of year rally. We’ve been bouncing off the 50day 7 times in the past 9months, could potentially get an 8th time in the next few days, and one of these days it’s not gonna hold, and I think there’s a lot of market participants that may not be prepared.
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