35 [Back at streaming! Dec 18, 2019]

  • OCGN very low priced stock, I think it could 2/3x very easily once it gets going. Bought 50kshares, pretty much risking 3c to potentially make 50c+.
  • LK I think it could have another very explosive leg higher, ideally it goes sideways another couple of days here.
  • RETA looks really good, htf, it’s really explosive here, this is the kinda scenario you can risk like $3/4 to make like $150. RETA tempted but something doesn’t feel right about it, markets are a little bit extended short term.
  • FTSV just got stopped out of half the short, it’s holding this 60min 20ema really well, tried to break below but just not going lower, that’s a sign of strength, I think it could be like RETA, rode the 20ema for a long time even after the big gap up.
  • ACST bought 50kshares. Looks good, first candle is a pretty decent volume candle here.
  • ASHR, China is just coming out of this big big triangle, I think China is on the verge of a big move higher. EEM too in a big big flag, I’m thinking about doing options on this thing, over $45 that’s the trigger. I think there will be big moves next year, yes there will be pullbacks but it’s hard to be bearish when so many things are on the verge of/breaking out of long long ranges, but we’ll see, I just follow the price action, is hard to predict.
  • BABA I think is just getting started, already up 13% from the base breakout where I bought it, I think it goes 250+, the leading China stock rn. TCEHY had a breakout from a long base couple of days ago, didn’t buy it but looks good also, one of the leading tech stocks not just in China but in the world, bit slower but think it could be more of a long term hold.
  • AXSM is selling off, had a big gap up yday, looks like it’s gonna try fill the gap at least some, since early Oct this thing was up 550% in a couple of months, up almost 2400% this year.
  • GBT had approval a couple of weeks ago, and they have some pretty damn huge sales estimates for the next two years, it’s flagging needs to go sideways a bit more but could be a big winner next year maybe.
  • KOD interesting breakout yday, would be epic if it goes to 100 or something, so far had a decent follow through and is holding at least. I can’t believe some of the moves of these biotech stocks, so many up like 1000% this year, back in Apr/May who would have thought this thing would go up 1000% just amazing.
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