- CCXI I covered it all on Wed on this little spike here that apparently was a shakeout in hindsight,
tried to short a few pm got filled small, it’s trying to take out this range, there’s a range here 29.40s which it lost, and now another range at 28.80.
CCXI gapping down and having a washout right out of the gate damn.
So looks like CCXI bounced on this rising 10ema, let’s see if it will fail the bounce or if it’s gonna stick.
Filled a bit more, I may add later if it can fail vwap, also tighten stop a bit. Very strong bounce so far, gapped down to rising support and now back into this little base it has been building. CCXI so strong, could be a long setup if it takes out this 31.
- CLVS short 50kshares orls,
failing a little bit, let’s see if it fails here at vwap if it can fail I may add more short, thing thing could easily pull back to mid/low 11s today potentially.
CLVS stopped out, thing is a beast. CLVS reshorted some.
Held its rising 20ema so far, lets see if it can put in lhs.
Stopped 15c slippage, a lot of people had stops there. CLVS is up 6days in a row 93% move, eventually it will have a down day, question is will it be today?
Ideal scenario would be if this thing keeps going the rest of the day, then we get a sick setup Mon. What a chart, hls all the way and now it’s started speeding up.
- CLVS is an amazing stock, back in 2013/14 went up 600%,then 2016 went up 630%, now it’s up 360% so far in a very short amount of time.
Now you can see it’s speeding up, you can see this candle is much bigger than the previous candles. So I took a starter here, first 1min candle break, very risky it’s very much frontside, but I will add if I see a good setup, just a starter.
Okay stopped out, this is gonna be an insanely good trade, I haven’t seen this good of a setup in a while. So we saw some weakness now, I’m trying to short on pops.
I have 28kshares, I added a little here in the high 14s, not happy about my avg and size but better than nothing and I think it has a lot of downside, and there will be add points it’s not gonna be straight down.
CLVS I had such small size on it I don’t even wanna cover any here, but it’s down 15% from the highs, I should probably cover a few, I’ll lock in tiny.
- ICPT I got filled here 108, gonna use a pretty tight stop, less than $1.
Okay stopped out, too bad this thing gapped down a little, would have been so much easier with strong opens on these things, you almost never get perfect setups. ICPT shook me out, just have to be patient and wait for a re entry on this thing I guess.
ICPT could be a good little short entry here, risk $2.5/3 to make idk $15/20.
- ASLN wtf, this is why you never want to be an early short, this is why you don’t short day1, you wait after sh*t has gone crazy, that’s when you short, this thing is up 1200% in 6sessions, this is why you wait until the stock has been up 3/4days in a row, after the insanity has happened.
130% move in 20mins and didn’t get halted.
- I think the market is close to a pullback, you see this crazy action in microcaps, usually it’s after the market has been going up for a couple of months and the pullback is about to come, that’s when you get these kinds of crazy microcap runners, almost every single time the market pulls back right after.
- ENDP has been building hls for the past couple of weeks and just trying to break this range, no I’m not gonna touch it, no, even though it does look good.