279 [bounce in memestocks soon? Feb 3, 2021]

  • PLUG this is a 5.5 star setup on a 5 star scale. Bought some orh anticipation. Stopped out, it’s prob gonna go later that’s what’s so annoying they always stop me out first and then they go, that’s why if it’s a good setup you need to be able to rebuy it, anticipate. Come on PLUG, it’s the same thing with FCEL when I bought it here [14/12/2020] look at how it closed, I thought it’s prob gonna fail but I’m gonna use lods as my stop, and then look at what it did, sometimes stocks are really slow. SHOP too, I bought it somewhere here [15/12/2020] like 785 or something orhs, then it kinda dipped almost stopped me out, someone in the chat freaked out, then it found new bidders and the rest is history, the stock went up 35% in like 2weeks. Sometimes even the best breakouts can be a little bit slow getting going.
  • GME covering up premarket now, I don’t see an edge for now, hopefully it can put in a big bounce. I think if it can run up into this declining 65ema and 20ema I think there would be a shorting opp there, but it’s still 50% higher. Look at where it stopped today on this dip, right on the 20day on the daily, I think it could very easily bounce back to 150 or something, but am I gonna trade it that’s the question. If I see a tight intraday setup I’m gonna go long, this thing has easily 50% upside intraday, if it gets back to 150 it’s still gonna be lower than it was yesterday near the open. Rn it’s just constant selling pressure, that’s what happens, no one is willing to buy at these levels.
  • GME I just went long, it doesn’t look much on the 60min but on the daily it put in another wick below the 20day and a hl, and you can clearly see here [5min] it is kinda trying to break the downtrend. I wouldn’t be surprised if it bounces to like 150 could very easily make a 50 point move, so I took a starter like half size.
  • I have no problems being short one day and long the next, or coming in short and then going long. Like PLUG for eg. I was trying to short it a couple of days ago, tried to long it today, it’s still stuck in the range. TSLA too, I was short two days ago and yesterday I bought it, I have no problems. I don’t care about these memes, the cult mentality or the stupidity going on.
  • BB, if it loses 11.50 range on the 60min, has room down to the 50day which is like 20% lower. BB did some of this short, it’s just not bouncing, breaking this 11.50s range could very easily go down to the 50day.
  • GSX too, if it breaks this low 82, this thing could have some continued selling too.
  • DT is a potential ep, it had good earnings, it’s gapping up and it’s gapping up over this 6/7month base, has been building hls into this event. It’s a really good candidate.
  • TTD I wish I’d bought it yesterday also, really good setup and it’s having follow through.
  • FSLY, this one is actually starting to look really good, it’s in a long 6/7month base and has been building hls the past 3 months or so, now it’s getting really tight started building a little flag here.
  • CRSR, the earnings is no problem it’s like 5/6sessions from now that’s no problem this thing could go to 60 by then, it’s usually when it’s 1-2days away that it can get a bit tricky.
  • BEAM this is one hell of a good setup, look at how nicely it’s building hls, surfing the 20day, and now lately it’s been building hls here and broke out of this range today, that’s a good setup.
  • I’m probably up maybe 20/30% on the year, actually I dunno the exact, I don’t remember how much I started the year with, it’s just a video game at this point, just numbers. My focus is to stick to good setups with good risk management, and hearts of iron 4. That’s all I care about, everything else takes care of itself.
  • MSTR is relentless wow, and it showed its hand, it showed rs vs BTC, when BTC hit the 50day this thing hit the 20day [27/1/2021], BTC retested the 50day and this thing just broke out. The stock screamed at us ‘I want to go higher’, it’s your job to identify these things, it’s your job to listen, we’re in the listening business.
  • BTC started breaking out yesterday, that’s why I bought GBTC.


  • Wow 700 people in here, I’m gonna cap it, I’m gonna cap the room at whatever the price of TSLA is.
  • Chat with traders wants to do an interview with me? Really? Wow, should I do it? I have to load up with some Nocco, I’m gonna do it.
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