278 [GameSTOP. Reality setting in. (also did some deep fundamental analysis). Feb 2, 2021]

  • NVAX no not really looking at the short it’s gapping down, if it had gapped up and pushed to 300+ I would have looked at it but now I don’t think there’s that much downside, it’s an ep and I’m just pissed I didn’t but it here [29/1/2021] when it took out orhs at $200. I think NVAX could very easily go much much higher eventually.
  • KOSS, the funny thing about KOSS it’s down 80% from the highs in the past 3days, it’s right at the 10day premarket, but the distance down to the 20day is 45%, it’s insane, and to the 50day we’re talking about another 72%. It’s insane these things, I’m not saying they can’t bounce, they very easily can bounce.
  • GME could very easily bounce back to 250 without breaking the backside of the move, but just to get to this base where it broke out from initially two weeks ago, GME would have to go down another 60%, I mean the downside potential on these things is pretty big, it’s all about finding these tight setups, that’s all it’s about, trading the setups, you don’t need to have an opinion, just trade the setups.
  • Covering most of my GME here, I’m gonna keep some bc I think it goes back to the 50day. Wait GME just took out orls, f*ck me I’m reshorting this thing, I didn’t even see that, I was just assuming it would bounce, here I am underestimating the fades. The 20day is not far on GME, that’s usually where they bounce. Man this GME does not look healthy here. GME I reshorted and have actually more size than I had overnight, doesn’t look healthy rn, maybe it goes straight to the 50day, if it goes to the 50day by tomos I think we’re gonna have an epic epic bounce, could easily go up 100/150/200% intraday. Gonna be the bounce play of the ages, if it does that like goes below the 20day and then has a big gap down tomos to the 50day that would be a 6 star bounce play on a 5 star scale, I would do so much size on something like that, it could double intraday.
  • GME I’m so happy I reshorted, omg I mean literally like I sized down some out of the gate and some in pm, it’s down almost 50% since, so glad, it’s insane. So easy to underestimate, how high things can go and how low things can go. So now we got the undercut of the 20day.
  • Yeah that’s the problem when they bounce pm like FUBO did on this day here [5/1/2021] had a big gap up, if it had opened breakeven or gapped down it would have had an insane bounce but instead it gapped up. LAZR too, bounced off the 20day it gapped up, and it kept going but it would have been so much better if it had gapped down of opened breakeven, so much easier.
  • AMC damn, I thought I was a genius covering in the mid/low 9s yesterday. Omg AMC is down another 25% since I covered it 55mins ago, so easy to underestimate these moves.
  • BNGO it’s already up over 2000% in a few weeks, do you have any edge buying it up here? Idk I’m gonna pass on it, like if this flag was down here or here I would be all over this thing, but no not here, at some point you gotta stop and think look, same thing with GME, it went up 12000% in 4months, like I’m not saying it can’t go higher but do you really have the odds on your side idk.
  • Thing is there are actually a bunch of pretty good looking setups, the market had every chance to pullback and it didn’t and now there is a bunch of decent looking setups, there were a few that triggered yesterday stuff like SNAP, and I didn’t trust them, but now idk, I’m cautious but there are a bunch of good looking setups and I am tempted to buy a few of them ngl, but which ones to trade that’s the question.
  • SQ bought some orhs. Stopped out, that was the first one to fail, let’s see if the others will fail too.
  • TSLA bought orhs.
  • BILI bought orhs. China names are strong. There’s a lot of strength in these growth and momo names rn. BILI it’s one of the strongest stocks in the market rn, at least amongst the lcaps, look how nicely it bounced off the 20day, it was the first bounce off the 20day and it just, when you have an extended stock like this that can’t go lower, you want to be in the strongest stocks that’s the thing, it had all the opportunity to go down but it couldn’t, bounced off the 20day, that’s technically very significant. Oh no, do you see this wick on BILI, I had $1.40 slippage on my stop. BILI started to inch back higher.
  • TLRY bought breakout. I wish I should have bought a few more shares a little bit lower, I did chase it a little bit, but you to get in as fast as possible.
  • So many names, could be a suckers breakout all of them but idk I did some of them, we’ll see. Yesterday is when we started seeing some rangebreaks like WIX bouncing off the 200day, SNAP bounced off the 50day and then broke out, idk what to make of it, very hard, so much easier when the market is coming out of a correction. Also the fact the market is gapping higher makes it s big trickier, it’s much easier to buy breakouts when the market gaps down and you have stocks breaking out, makes it so much easier.
  • SNOW is strong, tricky pattern though, but it has been building hls, looks something like this very tricky pattern.
  • PLUG is looking good, if it stays this tight is gonna be a 5* tomos, I think next leg higher could go to $100, or if it breaks down goes straight to the 50day, there’s a big edge, when you have something that’s a leading stock that is this tight you have a big edge trading it both ways, it’s all about the edge. PLUG actually looks pretty weak, it’s super tight rn but it has been building lhs, has this range, if it bounces here then starts failing the bounce mid/late day I’m thinking about shorting this thing, but only if it takes out lods, we’ll see it’s too early to tell.
  • GSX I should have added orls. GSX I was really hoping to get this breakdown, you can clearly see look at this, it’s a reverse flag right, lhs and a rangebreak, if you flip it you have a long setup. I was hoping to get this rangebreak intraday yesterday but never got it.
  • It’s the same thing over and over again, nothing new, new players but the game is the same, and every time something happens, everyone thinks it’s unprecedented times, but it’s not.
  • There’s a lot of these market anomalies that have kinda disappeared when academics start publishing articles about them, but there’s two anomalies that haven’t disappeared, it’s PEAD and and it’s momo. They’re still very very strong, you can make a lot of money if you understand both PEAD and momo, you can exploit in so many ways.
  • GRVY, actually looking pretty damn good I like this, it undercut the 50day, reclaimed and now it’s building hls, and it has this range, really good looking, just needs to break out.
  • BTC is still surfing the 50day, building hls but rn it’s in a choppy range. ETH look how it’s surfing the 20day, beautiful, I bought this ETHE maybe it can finally go, I’m like 0/3 on this thing, never goes, but it’s still building hls, I think once it goes it’s gonna be a big move could easily 2/3x.
  • PUBM, it was a very short flag, I don’t like flags that are this short.


  • Gamestop management, boomers, these guys don’t game.
  • I’m gonna go to wsb, it’s an exercise in human psychology.
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