- PLUG took some losses on it intraday, tried a couple of times but it closed strong so covered it up, but still have the position I shorted two days ago in low 70s.
Again an annoying gap down, did add a bit premarket but these gap downs are super annoying, not giving us a smooth trade.
Let’s see if this PLUG can get rejected off the 20ema that is now declining. PLUG looks like it may have failed at vwap, can we get a big move on it already.
Oh come on PLUG, yeah PLUG is unplugged now. Now gonna use hods as final stop on it.
- Let’s do a history lesson. So you may have heard of this stock PLUG, I’ve been shorting it the past few days, well I also shorted it back in 2014 the last time fuel cells were really hot, this thing went from like 50c to almost $12 in a few months, also BLDP and FCEL made big moves too but this one is the leader, this is the one that made the biggest move.
And once it had a parabolic, this is a 5* parabolic setup, look at the big move, it had been trending higher for months and months, had a leg higher, went sideways a few days, had another leg higher, and on the 3rd day, it gapped up had a big reversal and look at the move this thing went down 45% intraday from highs to lows.
That’s the type of moves you can get in these things, it’s insane. Unfortunately I was an amateur back then, I hadn’t really defined this setup yet, I was aware these things can make big moves down but I didn’t really have any concept of entries, exits, etc, I got squeezed the day before randomly shorting it, I lost 1/4 or 1/3 of my account the day before, bc I didn’t know this setup, I went really aggressive on it, I added to loser, I did all of these stupid things you shouldn’t do.
- Moved up APHA and TLRY stops quite aggressively, TLRY I bought it down here, up 150% from entry in two weeks, wow, this is what I said, I wasn’t super excited about it on the daily, but then I looked at the weekly and like holy sh*t this thing has potential,
kinda hard to see since it’s gone now but it was down here just started breaking out of this range, reclaimed the declining 50weekly and it was just so tight, now it’s up 150%.
APHA is up like 65%, and I sold most of them both, the remaining if they close strong I’ll keep them if they close weak I’ll sell.
Out of all my APHA and TLRY, just can’t hold extended stocks, it’s brain damage.
Don’t tell me these weed names are at highs, yea they are, okay fml.
- TLRY yeah it was definitely a short setup, and thing is if I hadn’t come in long today I may have even shorted it, but yeah it was a parabolic short setup absolutely, this thing was up almost 170% in two weeks, and it was up 4 days in a row and then it gapped up today,
so yeah it’s a valid setup, all you had to do was wait for an entry; orls, vwap fails, lhs.
This one was a big tricky, especially if you tried to trade it off the 1min out of the gate, you would have gotten triggered then stopped out, and then it took out hods, popped a little bit, fell back failed vwap, tested vwap, failed at vwap, and that was your second entry on this thing.
- Some of these indices are getting a little stretched, I’m thinking maybe SOXL. Man this one I f*cked it up, bought it here [30/12/2020] and sold it here [4/1/2021], could say I messed it up. I guess I missed SOXL, should have done it orls, maybe if it can bounce later back to the declining 10ema.
Looks like we’re getting a bounce now, if we get a bounce into these declining emas and then vwap fail or something mid or late day, willing to go short some of these etfs.
And I would only hold them overnight if they closed weak, it’s all about finding these tight areas, TQQQ I’m watching, the QQQs look very vulnerable, but I think TNA is more likely to pullback these are more extended. It’s all about finding a tight stop, this TNA for example, the ATR is $5, so if you can find an entry where you can risk like $1, that’s only 1/5 the ATR, and if we get a pullback it could easily pullback $15/20, that’s a really good r/r.
I did start a little bit TNA, just 1/3 size, just to get a feeling for it but won’t add more unless we get a vwap fail and lhs etc.
- CRWD worked well off this EP [3/12/2020] which I didn’t take, straight up, look how nicely it’s surfing the 10/20day, that’s what market leaders do, surf the 10/20day.
- LMND also had a good setup yesterday, tried to breakdown, rallied into this declining resistance area, started fading and then citron hit it.
- BB, btw made a huge huge move back in 2004, it had a big ep here [week of 26/12/2003], this is the ep I chose in the setup post, it was such a perfect one it was an ep combined with a htf, and look at the move it made, went up 300% in a year, had enormous volume, big big ep.
Then it also had an enormous move back in 2007. Then AAPL, they released a phone with a screen and no buttons and since then BB is history, makes you think which company today everyone is using which is going to be obsolete in say 5years, there’s guaranteed gonna be a bunch of those but which ones?
- I think candlestick patterns are totally useless most of the time, some of them are valid in certain contexts but most of them are just totally useless, bc they don’t have any context to them, needs to have context.
- PLTR little bit intriguing, been basing for a couple of months now.
My entry was orh on the 5min, low/mid 27 area, 27.32 is my avg.
- TSLA okay I went short some, I have to, it’s prob gonna stop me out.
But once this thing pulls back, I don’t think it’s gonna stop at the 10/20day, it could maybe stop at the 50day, depends if we get a broad based pullback.
Like QQQs looking very vulnerable here, but it’s still building hls, no point in getting too bearish, I’m just trading what I see in front of me and rn I do see some weakness.
And I also see a lot of things getting extended like small caps, I wish I’d shorted TNA,
orls would have been something.
TSLA I’m short 12kshares already pretty sizable position, don’t know if I’m gonna add any more, maybe I’ll add a few round it up to 15kshares but that’s it.
- And remember don’t get too aggressive when there’s not many setups around, and when there’s a lot of weakness, bc you can give it back as fast as you made it, the best time to buy is usually when the market comes out of a consolidation, a multi month consolidation, or a pullback, that’s when you get the best setups, the best follow through, for buying breakouts.
- It’s hard to short in a bear market bc everything is so correlated to the market, it’s much easier to short things in a bull market. Bear markets, everything is much more correlated, you don’t get a lot of things that move on their own merits. A real bear market usually lasts for years and years, look what happened to QQQs from Mar2000 to Oct2002, imagine having a market like this, there is no such thing as a breakout.
- GBS, it’s one type of setup, not really my type of setup, it’s a recent ipo, pulled back, building hls, and now it’s kinda breaking out of this triangle, could work but not really that good.
- Every time the moon passes my neighbour’s chimney, I will be bullish the next day. Take notes guys, this is advanced swing trading techniques.
- Wait mods are banning mods, did I miss something? It’s a civil war, do we have a civil war in the chat?
- If something is up 150% I have to sell it, I know I know in 2020/2021 I’m a value investor. Kris Munger.