265 [EV Gold Rush! Jan 12, 2021]

  • ZM, bounced right off the 200day that’s why it’s intriguing, not my type of setup but this is one type of setup that you can swing and position trade, when it bounces off one of one of these major MAs, I prefer a bounce off the 20/50day but 100/150/200day work really really well. So they had mixed securities offering. This is the type of setup you can risk maybe $10 to make 100/200 or something with some patience, again not my type of setup but this is one type of setup you can study in your market winner study.
  • PLUG watching this, it’s been straight up had a lot of good news flow lately, but the thing is it had a leg higher, went sideways for two days and now it’s on another leg, so this is day one of the next leg higher, I don’t short day one. Day one coming off a two day consolidation, not a big edge on it rn, gonna watch it tomos if it’s strong rest of the day. Always remember you need to trade with a big edge. These extended stocks, as soon as they go sideways for one of two days their count resets.
  • BILI stopped out premarket, took two hours to get out of the short, sitting there on the bid, these floors are me sitting on the bid trying to get out. BILI I got stopped out premarket not it’s kinda fading, what was this gap up good for? It needs to break this 20ema, I hope it hold above, not gonna reshort today.
  • TSLA kinda tried breaking down yesterday and now it’s gapping up into this resistance area. Looks like it’s back on frontside, reclaiming the 10ema and the 20ema, very strong.
  • FUBO has some news, finally starting to show some decent price action. Bought some orh. Took a loss when FUBO took out orls but willing to get back in, looks really good had some news, kinda breaking out of this little flag. It held the 50day, built hls above the 50day, so it could very easily go back to 40 or something once it gets going, volume is very big, so we’ll see. Okay looks like it failed vwap for now, back towards near lods. So far it held the 65ema, undercut and now it’s reclaimed, it’s bullish for now, very good sign, hopefully it can go sideways build some hls and then maybe breakout later. Bought some FUBO. Damn I should have bought 200kshares, if I could have had a little bit tighter of a stop I would have, now it’s going, oh well.
  • VIH bought some orh.
  • BTC looks like it’s pulling back again to the 20day, let’s see if it can build another hl off the 20day, preferably it pulls back to the 50day, I would love to see a pullback to mid 20ks that would be great, that would get this GBTC down to low 30s and I would load up a couple hundred thousand shares there, that would be ideal scenario. BTC also we need a range, or a washout, we did get a little bit of a pullback about 25% from the highs, getting a washout to the 50day that would be ideal, that would be great.
  • RIOT and MARA these things just can’t go down.
  • MRNA is flagging yeah, ideally it goes sideways today and maybe breaks out tomos that would be ideal, BNTX went, and this MRNA had a big pullback down to the 50day, undercut it, reclaimed and now it’s building hls, this is a really really nice looking setup for tomos.
  • XPEV is setting up, look at how nicely it’s surfing the 50day, if it stays tight today, tomos is gonna be a 5* setup, similar to NIO just a few weeks back when I bought it. Going now, straight up, yeah it was such a wide candle coming into this breakout, if it had closed like $1/2 higher yesterday would have been much better. You would have needed to use like 45.50 as your stop, and if your entry was 48.50 that’s a $3 stop that’s almost full ATR, it’s acceptable, but for me personally I prefer when my stops are 1/3 to 1/2 the ATR.
  • QS looks like it’s broken this downtrend, but I think it needs to go sideways a week or so before we get a nice tradable range. It’s all about ranges really, that’s how you trade, you don’t need to catch any falling knives or do any crazy stuff, all you have to do is look for ranges, on the daily, 60min, weekly, doesn’t matter what timeframes you’re looking at, ranges that’s where it’s at.
  • NVCR, the 10day has been going sideways the past few weeks I don’t see it surfing the 10day, I don’t see a setup here. CURO pretty good setup. FEYE needs to tighten up. CRSR needs to tighten up. MAC yeah had a setup here [5/1/2021] when all the other department stores broke out, if it can go sideways a fmd could be something there. BTWN it’s one of these SPACS, is a hot sector so if it breaks out on volume could be a good setup, but only bc it’s a hot sector, if it wasn’t a SPAC I wouldn’t play it.
  • NVDA I stopped out yesterday at the close, I needed to free up bp and it kinda closed weak so I just got rid of it, when something breaks out of consolidation like this you really don’t want to have a weak close, but if it had closed like $10 higher I would have held it, maybe sized down something else.
  • JMIA going, it’s a tricky one, but it has been building hls relentlessly.
  • The big money is holding stocks for big moves, unfortunately most traders never figure that out.
  • Only add on good setups, no more no less, pretty simple. You start buying stuff at random places your results are gonna be pretty random, only buy good setups.
  • ABNB yeah it reclaimed, in this tight range, but now it’s a wide candle on the daily, I hope it doesn’t break out today. Actually it’s not that wide never mind, today’s range is only $5 but the ATR is almost $10 so it’s not as wide as I thought, actually pretty decent, but I would have preferred tighter.
  • FCEL, this is the one I sold when it closed below the 10day, should have trailed it with the 20day I guess, I had 300kshares low 8s, would have been a 3M trade with patience. My entries are so good, my entries are as close to perfection as they can get, but my exits, holy sh*t they’re bad. Story of my life the past few months, if I just learned to have a little bit of patience, would do so much better. In hindsight I should have trailed it with the 20day, bc that’s what the stock was surfing.


  • Looks like David is 69% boomer, this is the end result, now we know, now we know. David is a boomer, we already knew that, but now it’s official, that’s the most important thing.
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