23 [Earnings season. Nov 6, 2019]

  • PCG I lost about 10k on yday on the short, didn’t really break down the way I was hoping for, today I was hoping for continuation, I hope it goes to mid 8s or something would be great. This thing is up 6days in a row, more than doubled and then today orls the first 1min candle, short the lows of that candle use the hod as a stop and boom, I think this thing could very easily go back to sub 7.
  • AGRX this is exactly the scenario I was hoping for yday, big move towards 3, I’m short some. This thing is up 700% in 5sessions, so I’m gonna try short it. I really hope it goes higher like $3/4 but rn I found a tight setup, I did anticipate orb a little bit, okay I got stopped out. This is great action, the higher it goes the better the trade will be. AGRX keeps going higher, very very good. AGRX fading back a little bit, below vwap for now, shorted some. Short 100kshares now, still have 50kshares located, not sure Im gonna trade those shares but we’ll see if I get a good setup, it could touch red on the day. Gonna cover some every 10c, I covered about 20% so far. Very good so I covered about 30% so far.
  • GLD and SLV still holding inside of their flags, put in another hl, still watching NUGT and USLV but prob need another couple days to set up.
  • SSRM one thing I’ve noticed this last earnings season and also this earnings season, is a lot of gold and silver stocks not only have good earnings but also good forward estimates, obv depends on what gold and silver does going forward but something I’ve noticed.
  • OESX has some insane earnings.
  • FCEL got rejected on the vwap and now it’s holding below vwap, hard to trade these ultra low priced stocks, this thing could fade back to 30c today but it could also go to $1.50, this thing has a lot of toxic financing it’s prob gonna go lower than higher but idk if like mid/late day it reclaims vwap and starts perking, builds hls etc, could be a long there. FCEL holding below vwap and putting in lhs for now, I think it’s gonna fade back lower. Look at this lhs, this thing does not look good, every rebound there’s been a bunch of sellers.
  • XNET is one I’m really excited about, reminds me a bit of DGLY a couple of years ago [Aug2014], DGLY went up 140% in a couple days, went sideways a few days, had a breakout and went up another almost 300% in a couple of weeks. XNET looks a little bit similar, little bit slower, been going sideways for longer but it looks good no doubt about that. XNET looking good here, just bought some, coming out of a range on the 60min, been building hls, I did anticipate a little bit, not entirely ready yet I think it needs to confirm over this 6.50 area, bit of a starter so far. Looks pretty damn good, had a big move couple years back, I compared it to DGLY but XNET kinda does look like XNET, a couple years back, this is a htf guys and it’s a liquid one, not that many per year, I really do think this thing can go to $10. Another area in the 6.40s that may be an add spot, when it takes out this 6.39 and 6.45. Can’t believe how good this thing looks.
  • MU bouncing from the weak open, PBR having a big bounce from the open, BRZU also, I didn’t size down on any of these yet bc I’ve seen these types of scenarios a lot of times, things gap down to support and then they bounce and this is exactly what’s happened so far, they could very easily fade back later in the day but I’ll make a decision later on whether to downsize or not.
  • NXTC fading back, I did miss the short yday I didn’t wanna get involved but there was a short opp between the halts, not for me.
  • INSP started trading, this thing didn’t even trade the first 5mins after open that’s amazing.
  • NIO what a reversal, g/r move good entry there, this is a great day trading setup, when you have a stock up multiple days in a row, in this case 3 days in a row up over 60%, then this third day when it reverses, when it takes out orls or goes g/r or something , one can find really good r/r setups, this is the way I built a small account to a big account, finding these opportunities, I would have preferred one more up day.
  • This is a screenshot of my main account premarket yday, and yday when the market closed I gave back 100k intraday, bc some of my stocks faded, that was a 100k swing in this account, you just have to look at things position for position, some days things are going up, some days everything is going down, some days are mixed.
  • CENX aluminium stock breaking this long term downtrend line, declining 150day and also breaking out above the declining 200day, I’ve been seeing signs of a lot of these commodity names trying to bottom the past couple of weeks.
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