- MELI getting back in third attempt ep, it built a nice base on the 60min chart, back in 2/3 size. Just can’t let it go.
- LVGO, another one nearing a triple from the lows, it’s kinda hard to add to it here. Would love to increase position on it here but technically it’s probably suicide.
- FSLY bought starter, half size, will add through the highs.
Okay broke higher. This thing could go to 50+. I’m willing to hold it through the next earnings report and more, if I can hold this thing for 6months I’m gonna be happy, this is a position trade for me. Just breaking IPO base, had a big beat today, I think this thing can go. Gonna be biggest vol day, maybe even exceed IPO vol day.
Awesome, look how clean it is on the 1min chart, some strong accumulation intraday.
- VTIQ, I’m going to buy it if it takes out highs later. After SPCE with I totally missed and DKNG which I messed up, I was looking to buy it but I never did, over this 20.30/20.40 area,
I’m gonna buy VTIQ [spac]. This thing could double into the event, and even after, it could double after.
Bought on 60min orhs. Pretty much a TSLA sympathy type of trade.
- WORK, I don’t think it’s a great trading stock, it’s such a choppy chart. It’s never had any clean moves. If you want to hold it for the longer term, I think WORK is a very good business, but as a trading stock I just don’t like it, very choppy.
Look at this down move, it never had any clean moves, just choppy, up day down day, just a slow uptrend, and here it’s choppy, and here choppy, just chop chop chop chop, it’s like the choppiest stock ever. If you wanna buy it have a wider stop, you can’t use lods, you’d almost have to use like 25 as your stop, then hold for a few years.
- MARK add back some, they are pumping this thing hard.
Maybe there’s gonna be a trading opp to add even more, I think this thing could do something crazy, it’s barely a double from the lows, and this thing has tripled/quadrupled before, I strongly believe this thing could go to 2 bucks maybe even more, and if it does I wanna be there with size, so I’m looking for areas to add.
And another thing, the volume is not going away it just keeps getting volume. I know they had a pump going on, but you would think the stock would die off if it was a pump, but nope, keeps coming back, riding this 20ma on the 60min. On any ranges to the upside I will add, like 50k shares at a time.
- DKNG is gonna be a big shorting opp just like SPCE was,
but it needs to go higher and get more volume too.
- I mean sometimes, I think I’m like the worst trader ever, it really feels like that. Like every year I’m looking back and I’m like wow, I could easily have made 3x as much money. Like easily, with no effort. This year too, if I’d just done a few trades I passed on, and passed on a few trades I did do, I would be up like 2M more/ 3M more. No joke, I’m having a great year but I could easily have done 2/3x more. Kinda crazy.
- FTNT has historically moved very well on earnings. Look at the past couple of years, it had earnings here [May2018] had a clean move, had earnings here [Aug2018] had a clean move.
Here was kinda choppy [2019], then here [Nov2019] made a big move.
It historically moves very well, and had a great buying opp orhs.
- ZYXI this is an interesting stock, I’m gonna start an investment portfolio, just try to find these interesting stocks that could become enormously big growth stocks.
- That’s the problem with earnings season, some days you get so many stocks, it’s just so hard to watch all of them.
- I really think we need a few months of digestion in the markets, I don’t think we can keep going straight up without at least some kind of a rest. A few weeks would be great.
- The market really knows how to f*ck you around mentally, it really knows. Man if trading could be easy, wouldn’t it be great.