416 [Markets resilient so far against new covid variant. Nov 29, 2021]

  • TWTR Dorsey stepping down as ceo, amazing I think it’s gonna go much higher but nah not an ep is still in a bad downtrend.
  • SPYs higher than Friday highs premarket, I could have preferred a gap down then a fill the gap day. Now what’s prob gonna happen, we’re either gonna churn sideways or sell off the whole day.
  • UVXY and VXX I gave back some big profits, was up quite a bit few mins before close Friday, was some nice candles I didn’t sell a single share of those bc I was hoping they’d gap up like 30% but nope. The thing with these volatility instruments, they’re like lottery tickets, if you pick your spots there’s like a 90% probability you’re gonna lose money, but if it works out it’s gonna 2/3x in a few days.
  • BFRI had an offering, damn I was looking to short, oh well I guess that one got ruined.
  • LI added on earnings breakout.
  • ZS been showing great strength, today also just straight up off the open that’s strength, idk if it’s gonna have follow through but looks like a pretty good setup. The best ones are the ones that hold up, they’re in an uptrend, then we get these shakeouts in the markets and the ones that just bounce back with force those are the really good ones. Undercut the 20day reclaimed really quickly and just relentless, but it’s not really a young trend, has been going up for a long long time, I would prefer if it was in a bigger base, but if the markets hold up will go to 400.
  • SI, I still regret I didn’t buy it initially here when it broke this high teens/low20s, now I keep buying these secondary setups and getting stopped out.
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