387 [Uranium names breaking out! (yesterdays stream) Oct 13, 2021]

  • Uranium names really really setting up nicely. Bought breakout URA, URNM, CCJ. It’s like an energy type of a play, energy has done really well, look at nat gas, o&g etc, that’s why I’m aggressive on these Uranium names. NXE looks like the other Uranium names, it is, and UUUU, and UROY, this thing has an ADR12%, those of you with small accounts this is the one I’d focus on bc it has the highest ADR of all of them.
  • Generally yes with higher ADR you’re prob gonna have half the position size, but you can have more positions on, so let’s say you buy lower ADR stocks you may be in 5 stocks and your avg ADR in your portfolio is 5%, but if you buy high ADR stocks let’s say the avg is 10%, you’ll prob have more stocks, but the whole point is to get your portfolio ADR as high as possible. If you have a small account you’re gonna want to aim for a higher adr, and if I had a smaller account I would wanna aim for a higher ADR too.
  • These beaten down China education names started running yday, GOTU is the price leader, followed by EDU and followed by TAL. I think these things could double, if they get into their gaps, they have no fundamental reason to double but I think every single chat room will be on these things.
  • TSLA really strong, just keeps grinding higher.
  • LAC I bought yday and still holding it, was a flag break, hot sector Lithium. LTHM was another one.
  • PROG, that was a really good one beautiful flag, tight candle off the rising 10day and then it had this high volume breakout, 5 star, that’s a small account edge guys, these small ones can make really explosive moves.
  • IWM still in this range it’s incredible, if IWM starts breaking this 225 area say later this month, could go to high 200s before year end, it’s absolutely incredible, idk if it’s some kind of a top or bullflag, but whatever way it resolves is gonna be explosive.
  • UPST at what point do I expect it to be too extended? Great question, now obv when I bought the ep here [11/8/2021] was just coming out of a 5month base, and now it’s just been straight up since, it’s up 600% this year, at some point it’s gonna have some fbos, I would say if it can go sideways a little bit more so the 50day can catch up, could have one more push in it.
  • OCGN I was looking at it at the open, then it took out orls and I took it off radar, now it’s going.
  • XENE had a powerful recent ep, this is something I would be tracking if I had a smaller account, definitely, could have a secondary leg higher.
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