375 [Back after a break! Markets zzz. Aug 17, 2021]

  • IWM had a little bit of breakdown yday but still in this enormous flag, still building hls. TNA shorted [1min orl anticipation.] Stopped out oops I wicked TNA.
  • Crypto names are strong. ETH buy point [30/7/2021] is where I bought it, mini flag.
  • UPST had a really nice ep, just like we caught this one two earnings seasons ago [18/3/2021] went up 85% in two sessions then that was it. I don’t remember if I bought it this first time around I think I got shaken out also from 1min orhs, I didn’t buy full size and it never took out the 5min orhs, but the volume was huge, enormous volume, but it had this little intraday breakdown, but the volume was huge so I still had it on my radar, then it started building hls reclaiming vwap and I started rebuying it in 169s. In a good market this thing could have gone to 300, rn it’s stuck here.
  • MRNA I’m short from the 480s, then I added some.
  • BNTX I’m short too, very predictable textbook reversals.
  • FULC is interesting, had a very high volume ep, kinda interesting it’s only phase1, still super early but it’s holding up and the volume hasn’t died off either, went from trading less than a few hundred k shares, and now it’s still trading 13/14Mshares, that’s a good sign.
  • NET is the strongest stock, has been a beast for a few months now and I missed this whole run up, just so strong.
  • ZS too, I bought on ep here [26/5/2021] then I got stopped out, it pulled back a little then it broke out and hasn’t looked back since.
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