371 [$AMC 5-star flag. Jun 30, 2021]

  • XPEV I got into the laggard man, NIO is pretty much near yday highs in pm, XPEV is not far away from stopping me out, only reason I took XPEV is bc it had a higher ADR, a bigger previous move was 90% where NIO was 50%, but it’s lagging now, funny how you buy a stock it goes from leader to laggard.
  • AMC if it can’t hold that 54.50 area that’s a bad bad thing. Come on AMC, undercut and reclaim the 65ema, it’s very important it reclaims here. The more powerful this candle is the better, we want it to reclaim this 57 area, show the buyers are in control. If it loses this low 54 area I think this thing is toast, gonna go straight down to the 50day. Beautiful candle, we want the viagra candle that means there is buying, forceful buying, undercut and reclaim come on. I’m so tired of this range but this is the most powerful flag I’ve ever seen in my life, absolutely incredible. Great this is exactly what we wanted to see, now it’s reclaiming the 60min emas.
  • AMC f*ck I’m so excited guys you don’t even understand the kind of move this thing could do like, QS last year total concept stock went to 46B mcap, AMC is at 26B it could double from here and it wouldn’t be crazy. You have to understand how massive this opp is, and now it’s reclaiming, as long as it holds key technical levels obviously. Right now is the exactly price action you wanna see, this is the candle I was looking for at the open, when it gapped down and rallied a little bit this is the candle I wanted.
  • AMC now it really needs to hold that mid/low 56 area, and if it takes out hods I’ll add more, but it’s still inside of a range, it’s important not to get too aggressive when it’s inside of a range, plenty of time to buy it once it starts breaking out, if it starts breaking out, you don’t have to go all in bc of one up candle.
  • BNTX beautiful flag. This is a 4.5* setup, looks absolutely amazing.
  • I find everything I need to trade on my own, either in my scans or in premarket, stream is just a bunch of random tickers.
  • BYND let’s go, this is why you don’t give up on a good setup, this thing had several false starts, but when they undercut and reclaim that’s a really good sign super bullish, I wish I’d gotten in on the pocket pivot.
  • NTLA I bought it yesterday when it broke this 60min range, such a powerful ep just picture perfect 5*, broke out of this 7 month base on huge volume, this thing could go to 200. I sold a piece is a big move from entry yesterday. I’m gonna go through this trade, so you have a big move late last year, went sideways built a 6/7month base and 2days ago had a powerful ep on some really good phase 1 news, gapped up made a big move on big volume, this is an ep, when you have a big catalyst big volume and big chart. And then I actually did buy near the open I anticipated orhs but I got stopped out immediately and then I didn’t touch it again. And then yesterday this is what I saw a bullflag on the 60min, this is where I bought it 140s and I had two stops my stop was this lows of the first candle and lows of the second candle. Imagine this is a daily chart, would this be a good setup? And now it’s just straight up.
  • WISH oh come on, I sold it at the lows.
  • FSLY really surfing the 10day perfectly, look how long it’s been surfing the 10day, this thing could very easily go higher, look how it undercut and reclaimed that’s a sign of strength, undercut and reclaims can be so powerful in uptrends.
  • There are some worrying signs for the market, the breadth is really really low, especially SPY has been grinding higher with fewer and fewer stocks participating, that’s generally not great.
  • Everything that hasn’t broken out in the past couple of weeks are super laggards, can they work sure but do you want to get into them idk.
  • The only thing you’re gonna learn on this stream is study setups for at least a thousand hours or f*ck off, that’s the most valuable thing you’re gonna learn, everything else is noise. You have to do something that most people are not willing to do, that’s the only way you’re gonna be a successful trader, everything else is noise.


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