356 [AMC to $2 MILLION. Jun 4, 2021]

  • SENS, remember the good times back in Jan/Feb2021 when we got htfs like this that doubled tripled in a few days, this had two, from this one quadrupled in a few days and from this one doubled in a 2week period. SENS had a picture perfect intraday breakout, just like OEG a few days ago. Reclaimed vwap then it broke out.
  • LEDS have you seen this, this is how you build your account, this is how you get the first million, learn how to trade explosive stocks, learn how to trade momo, and once you get your first million it’s very easy to get the next 5. You catch a few trades like this per Q, you’re gonna have triple digit years every single year, even if all your other trades b/e, and this is also why you use a trailing stop, don’t sell everything after 3-5days, this thing could go to 30. What a perfect perfect flag, beautiful.
  • UONE was also really good 3days ago, we’re back in the market where you get these 4/5* setups on these micro/small cap stocks and then they double in a few days, it really is nice.
  • CHCI, probably needs another day, I guess it could be ready.
  • AMC so far looks like it’s bouncing off the rising 20ema again. Still rangebound but if it loses this 20ema, preferably it happens later in the day builds a few more candles in this 50/52/53 area first, then the next stop would be the 65ema that’s a 30% air pocket, but it’s too early to tell could also go back to 60, gotta wait for the range to resolve itself. If it loses lods could get interesting, bc there is no support until like mid 30s.
  • AMC can’t get above the vwap for now, building lhs, looks so vulnerable on the 60min. Right so AMC is rallying now, started building hls off support.
  • AMC for me I would like to see a little bit more of a sideways range be built, and I wouldn’t mind going long, prob not today but next week if it builds a nice range on the 60min I could definitely go long this again.
  • AMC, I’m gonna show you, these 5min rules follow the 5min candles, especially if you’re a day trader you can make so much money on these types of trades, like on the bounce here it got rejected wait for that first red 5min candle, or the break of the previous 5min candle, then on the long trade you wait for the first thing first green, and look at the bounce it made it’s insane. I covered most of it here when it reclaimed vwap with this huge volume, then I covered the rest when it took out this range. Then I reshorted when it broke down below these series of candles here, then I added a little bit somewhere here.
  • BB not able to bounce as much as AMC, at least surfing the 10ema on the 60min. BB took out lods. Can’t even come up for air, cannot bounce it’s below the vwap showing rw, but it can change at any time, as we saw yesterday, one was lagging and the other started leading, then the other started lagging and the laggard started leading. I didn’t get filled due to the ssr, tried to get it 15.80s. BB so weak just can’t rally.
  • SOXL [added on breakout stop at yesterday’s lows], semis very strong.
  • ASAN so far it has traded about half the avg daily volume, I would prefer this thing to have more volume but could still work if it takes out hods later, or if it breaks this intraday range.
  • In a market like this you gotta hold for longer, bc right now you look at the indices, COMPQ 10day rising, above the 20day and the 20day is about to turn up. IWM 10day over 20day and both rising. So now we’re back in conditions where breakouts are working, coming out of a multi month choppy range.
  • DOCU yeah maybe but I don’t like that it’s still below all these MAs, it’s like a pocket pivot ep, preferably you want EPs to get over their MAs, otherwise yeah it looks good, gapped up, big volume good numbers, a lot of sideways, but would have been better if it got above the MAs, now it looks like it’s gonna get rejected.
  • IHT is setting up again for next week, had a breakout kinda failed, but still building hls if we can break over this 8 area again could be nice.
  • Position size can vary with the stock, you can go two ways; you let your risk determine your size, and/or you can let your size determine your risk.
  • You don’t need to add to your swings you buy everything at once and then you let it ride, that’s the key to getting 10/20/50x reward to your risk, not adding to them, you start adding you ruin your avg.
  • Stock splits bad for price? Not really, both in the late 90s and today momo stocks have been rally on stock splits, both into the stock splits and after them. Stock splits are irrelevant, just an accounting thing.
  • BNTX yeah who could have seen this move happening, it’s amazing what can happen if you learn some basic setups. Now it’s starting to pick up, even the best ones can be a bit slow, I was early a few times, I initially bought it here [19/5/2021] then I got stopped out, then I bought it here [26/5/2021] got stopped out, then I bought it here [28/5/2021] and I added [1/6/2021] and now it’s working.
  • TIGR off that ep jesus, if it had been a bit more liquid I would have, so beautiful, closing up on 50% after the ep orhs.


  • How much is Kenny boy worth, 16B not bad. Let’s try to get inside his head we need to see how he thinks. He bought four floors in erection tower, he lives in the tip.
  • I still think I’m a genius. Just kidding I’m a moron, I’m the moron king and you are my minions.
  • I made a promise, if CELH goes to 100 before next earnings I’ll ditch Nocco for CELH rest of my life.


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