348 [Semiconductors very strong. May 21, 2021]

  • There were some encouraging signs yesterday, I bought SOXL and IGV, wish I’d identified strength a little earlier and got some better entries.
  • SM fell back into range, but it’s still building hls, look how much tighter it’s getting, had a false breakout, fell back into range, building hls, getting tighter, that’s a good thing.
  • PANW, nothing exceptional when it comes to growth rates and stuff like that not a great beat or anything, but it is interesting, could be an ep. Had a really nice ep back in [16/11/2020] broke this multi month range was in a previous uptrend, now it’s in the same scenario, uptrend breaking a multi month range. PANW has almost traded the avg daily volume in the first 5-10mins that’s pretty decent, what you want to see. PANW is above avg volume now, thinking it will trade about 3M volume today, which is about the same as this day here which started this big move.
  • ALB could be a potential pocket pivot in this thing, looks great, been building non stop hls for the past 2/3months.
  • DASH is actually building a decent flag after earnings, overall it looks like sh*t but looks good since earnings, building hls getting tighter.
  • ANVS could be an ep, ah phase 2 alzheimers. ANVS had some game changing news I guess.
  • RBLX damn it f*cked that one up, I was so focussed on my etfs, I don’t even wanna do individual stocks anymore. It’s a classic ipo breakout, I wish the range was a bit tighter but it’s a breakout, been showing rs for several weeks now.
  • Swing trading is harder in that way you’ve gotta have the ability to wait, sometimes weeks on end, and if you don’t have that you should probably go for daytrading, patience is something that can definitely be developed, I wasn’t patient either in the beginning but it’s something I’ve gotten better at, as I’ve grown more confident in the markets.
  • IWM, this is a 5* setup on the weekly, not ready yet on the daily hopefully it goes sideways a few more days in this area, but man this thing looks great, rocket launch site.
  • GME it’s a random stock now, I don’t see anything here, people are getting excited every time it moves, I don’t see any edge here, maybe if it has a gap up on news or something, heavy heavy volume comes in and it breaks this range maybe then but idk, rn too random. Actually on the weekly it is flagging nicely, but I think it needs to start going on heavy heavy volume.
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