340 [Seeing some big opportunities setting up. May 7, 2021]

  • BTC this flag is just insane, this thing looks so good, I hope it starts moving soon catches up with DOGE and ETH.
  • MSTR looks like sh*t, and GBTC looks like a piece of a diamond.
  • ETCG super thing, great for those of you who have small accounts, this thing could go to 50 today, pink sheet too these things are known for their unwinds. Right now it’s finding support on the 20ema on the 60min, next support would be the 65ema.
  • ROKU looks like sh*t, this is not an ep. Same thing with all of these gapping up into resistance, NET, SQ. An EP needs to be something that breaks out at least a multi month range, this thing is back where it was 3days ago gapping up into these declining MAs. A real EP breaks a multi month range, something like this [7/8/2020] something like this [8/5/2020], even something like this [7/2/2021] wasn’t ideal but obv in hindsight made a big move, took out a range.
  • BNTX I was thinking about shorting it, day2 bounce setup.
  • SMH I like the semis they’re holding up so well, big flag on the weekly, probably needs a bit more sideways so the 20day can come down a bit. Bought some SOXL.
  • BTX covered my last here, not gonna hold over the weekend, big trade percentage wise.
  • PRPO covered my last also, and that’s it I anticipated this first red 5min candle, shorted in the low 8s/7.90s, risk about a dollar and made almost $4 on it.
  • HIMX looks good, if it can just tighten up a little on the daily, has insane growth, big estimates for next year, when the semis break out this could easily double.
  • VALE I can’t believe I let this one get away from me, steel related stock.
  • TNA I bought a tiny starter [1/6th], wide stop pretty much lows of yesterday, but I’m gonna build it as this base starts shaping up.
  • I wish these shippers were more liquid, some of the breakouts these had, EGLE [16/4/2021], DSX off the 50day here [19/4/2021], SBLK [14/4/2021] 5* setup. For you guys with smaller accounts, there’s been a lot of opportunity the past few months both ep wise and also just breakouts.
  • I’m gonna put an alert a little bit before a stop, I’m gonna try to get away from hard stops way too much slippage, I’m gonna use red just like Stockdaddy uses. I’m just shamelessly copying, that’s how you become successful in the stock market, you don’t have to invent anything, you can just shamelessly copy things that work that make sense.
  • FNKO was a 5* setup, earnings breakouts are the most powerful breakouts, obv you had to buy orhs.
  • Commodities are tricky, they’re generally better to buy when they just test the rising MAs, like 50/100day, same things for commodity related stocks. Growth stocks are usually better to buy on breakouts especially the leading ones, but commodities they don’t work as well off breakouts usually. Eg, 2003-2007 commodities were leading sectors they were generally tricky many leading names, you had to kinda buy them when they bounced off rising MAs, these types of setups where they undercut and reclaim work really well on commodity names.
  • EDC triple emerging markets etf. I’m thinking with the commodities starting to run maybe these emerging markets can too, just like they did 03-07, emerging markets did a lot better than the US, but in this bullmarket the last ten years US has been a superstar where emerging markets have been lagging. You can see EEM has been going sideways for 15 years, surfs the 20weekly, look show it’s building hls and there’s a range here. Back in the 03-07 bullmarket it was surfing the 20/50weekly.
  • This is the closest I could find, 2003-2007 you can see EEM outperformed S&P by a wide margin, and since 2010 S&P has been straight up while EEM going sideways.


  • Read this first or fuck off ->
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