330 [Lots of things setting up into earnings season! Apr 22, 2021]

  • XL there is no bounce, something like this doesn’t even have to bounce, and a reasonable bounce would be something like the 20day, can bounce to the 50day that would be great yeah but these things don’t have to bounce. I don’t trade these types of setups, I find them very tricky.
  • There’s not that many individual stock setups but I am hopeful for this earnings season, a lot of stocks have been going sideways for a long time, leaders from last year and prior been basing for 4/6/8months in some cases, if they break out on earnings can make big moves.
  • FCEL had a big fade, undercut the 200day then undercut it and reclaimed yesterday, you can build a strategy around these types of things, where a big momo stock pulls back to a major MA undercuts and rallies, like the 100day here or 50day here, you can build a pretty decent short term like 3-5day swing trading strategy around these types of phenomena.
  • URA etf looks amazing, looks like a 5* setup.
  • TAL [10/07/2017] this is a 5* setup. Look how nicely it’s surfing the 50day, previous momo stock, look how orderly and nice it is, every time it dips finds support at one of these major MAs, 20/50/100/150day, and all you have to do is find these tight areas and then a breakout of that tight area. And then it just kept going, and going, and going.
  • XM is a potential ep, recent ipo gapping up on earnings.
  • FSR, everyone got excited about it past few days then look hit the declining 20day and now it’s slammed down again. That’s the problem with these downtrending stocks, especially ones that have lost their uptrends, there’s really no reason for it to go up, they can have these rallies into the declining MA where everyone gets excited again, but that’s what I’m afraid of, some of them will probably rally a lot but most of them will just hit the declining 10/20day.
  • API, a lot of these stocks beaten down then coming out of these multi month ranges, and been building hls, but not really my type of setup, unless they have an ep.
  • NET, just keeps surfing the rising 150day, and trying to come out of this multi month range, it’s a bit choppy, but one of these software/tech names that looks really good, and a lot of clean air if it takes out this high 70s area the sky’s the limit.
  • ETHE yeah I’m annoyed I got stopped out of this, prob gonna go to 40 now, I don’t even know why I sold, should have waited for the close, got shaken out on some intraday volatility, that’s what happens when you break your own rules. Sometimes you get shaken out, that’s the game if it was easy everyone would be doing it, it’s a hard game, even if you follow the rules you’re gonna get f*cked every now and then, if you don’t follow the rules or have any you’re gonna get f*cked all the time, just a matter of how often do you wanna get f*cked.
  • WIX is a long base, been building hls pretty much the whole year. If you look at what happened last year May2020 broke out of almost a year long base, had an earnings ep here, stock was already way up though but just breaking out of this year long base, even after ep went up over 70% in a few months. Now we’re in a similar situation, and earnings in 3weeks, but if it breaks out of this low 300 area I’m tempted to buy this thing. These types of stocks when they break out of 6/12month consolidations, they can make big moves. This is how stocks move, they go higher, sideways, most of the time hls, then higher again, down and sideways for a long time, then a new uptrend, hls, consolidate higher again, that’s our job, our job is to identify the time when the next step higher is gonna occur. To me, especially on the weekly, it looks like it’s about to start a new stair step higher.
  • TDC potential ep, not sure how big the news are but the guidance pretty big.
  • SQM is getting tight, look how nicely it’s surfing the 100day, if this thing breaks out it’s gonna make a big move I think, looks so nice.
  • TIGR I sold it two days ago, now it looks like it found support on the rising 100day, I kinda shoulda used this retracement low as my stop [6/4/2021] 16.30 area, easy to be a hindsight warrior.
  • TNA is the best Russell one, liquid triple etf. IWM when it broke out here [Nov2020] made a 40% move in 3months, TNA made 171% move so more than 4x, idk how the math adds up but that’s why you wanna be in the triple etfs, get more bang for your buck.
  • MELI looks nearly exactly like TSLA looked on the weekly 2weeks ago, long time momo stock, pulled back, started building hls, then broke out of their weekly range. MELI looks exactly the same before the breakout.
  • BNTX what a miss, these are the moves I’m looking for not 3-5day moves but multi week multi month moves where the stock goes up 30/50/100%+ in the lcaps I trade, I can’t believe how much I messed this one up.
  • Yeah tightness, hls, that’s usually what I mean by a fmd.


  • Country poll. Europe is just western Estonia.
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