33 [Markets are hot right now! Nov 27, 2019]

  • CCXI, I held 8kshares overnight and added another 5kshares premarket at 30.50 with a tight stop, let’s see if it can have another $3/5 downside, I see more downside in this I wouldn’t be surprised mid $20s, but it could also surprise to the upside so that’s what stops are for. CCXI covered some of my adds. CCXI rejected off the declining vwap and hovering near lows, I may even add to this short. Gonna tighten up the stops here, bc so far it has been developing hls, could change but I don’t wanna give back too much of my profits.
  • ARWR I actually shorted yday on this 66.30s break, tanked $2 really fast then stopped me out. ARWR trying to short some on pops. Oh sh*t I wasn’t fast enough, only got filled on like 1/4 position. Okay ARWR bouncing back higher, full size now. Very strong off the morning wash out, did put in another hl on the 60min, that’s something to pay attention to, could very easily squeeze higher. I got stopped out, took out hods.
  • CLVS up almost 200% from the lows a month ago, I’ll def watch this thing also, ideally it goes higher but if I see a tight setup I will short it.
  • BYND could have a little bit of a squeeze. I’m in 1/4 size on this thing, looks like it’s squeezing higher. I may add to it on a good setup later in the day.
  • BILI I should probably get long, bought some. I have 10kshares may add a bit more if it gets some volume.
  • CNST looks squeezy, up 400% this month but it’s not going lower, and it’s flagging getting tighter on the 60min, looks like it want to go higher and it’s already up 400% why can’t it go up another say 30%?
  • MYOV also super strong, had a huge gap up the other day, and now it’s about to take out those highs.


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