32 [Markets are hot right now! Nov 26, 2019]

  • CCXI crazy up 300% in premarket, I have no idea if this is gonna go to 50 or 25, I will not buy this thing but I may short it, absolutely insane, this is what happens when the market gets hot, in this case biotechs are very strong, if this data had come out 3weeks ago I don’t think this would be up even 50%. CCXI just shorted some, so far took out orls marginally but been kinda strong. Holding below vwap for now, I will add to it. CCXI just stopped me out, then it slammed back down my god. Has potentially a lot of downside, could easily fade back to 25 today, rn it is holding below vwap, unless it’s gonna go stop hunting again, but I did reshort 1/2, does have a range here 34/33.60. I did add, I’m taking on some risk on this stock bc I think the potential is big, I’m fully willing to risk 30/50k on this thing, and I’ll keep adding if I see good setups. CCXI prob gonna try to bounce here, and we’ll see how it holds vwap, if it gets rejected there or reclaim. CCXI bounced back to vwap, got rejected so far, if it starts violating this 33.50 area I will add to this thing.
  • CCXI What I’m afraid of it’s gonna just chop around between this 34 and 36 the rest of the day and just cut me to death, volume so far is very very good, already traded half the float. Kinda looks like it’s building hls here idk. Showing some weakness again, if it takes out lods little bit tempted to add. Look at that, I’m short 15kshares now, just looking at this chart without pm or anything looks like a bearflag after a big gap up, no support for a while. Okay broke the hls pattern so far, let’s see if it’s gonna reclaim or go lower. Gonna cancel my other stops, keep this one bc that’s where the recent high is. I read they have an offering ready, would be kinda stupid not to use an offering into a 300% move, but all depends what pricing they’re gonna get. CCXI yeah I’m gonna swing, I think it could very easily fade back to 25 next few days maybe even lower, a 300% gap up it’s a big move even though the data was good etc.
  • LK I’m a little bit conflicted, there is a short term short setup developing here, I think it could have a $1.5/2 down day especially if it can hit like 34 today, could easily have a $1.5/2 reversal, but I do think it’s gonna go higher over the mid/long term I think this thing wants to go to 50, and I’m still long 10kshares, thinking about potentially shorting in another account and keep my long shares. LK starting to fade a bit, missed the short entry. LK having follow through to the downside.
  • KRTX I reshorted yday, covered some into the close, I held 3500shares overnight, think this thing could easily have another $110 downside, right now gapping up a little premarket. Lower my stop KRTX, no support until like 72, still a lot of downside. KRTX I’ll lock in a little bit here, put some buy orders in, now I’m nearing 300k overall profits on KRTX again, locked in 250k a couple days ago, this has been one of my most profitable stocks. It shouldn’t take out yday highs so gonna move my stop to 83s.
  • KRTX you can clearly see, lhs I thought it was gonna bounce a bit more, then you have this range break, this is why I shorted late day yday. And this is exactly what happened here, lhs and a rangebreak, and another rangebreak, I shorted all of these, I’ve just been milking this thing on the downside.
  • ARWR could be shortable here in the low/mid 62.20s with a $1.50 stop for a potential $5/8 fade idk, would be better if it goes higher and closes strong then we get a setup tomos.
  • GBT what a fade, that’s what happens when an already extended stock has irrelevant news.
  • IFRX is not going away, is building hls intraday and is down like 90%, and biotech market, too bad I wasn’t watching it closely, the buy area was very low 3s, now it’s a little bit too high, maybe if it sets up later in the day I’ll be interested.


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