272 [Setups starting to emerge again! Jan 22, 2021]

  • ABNB was a few dollars from stopping me out yesterday, then it reversed and went up 17%, one hell of a bounce, undercut the 20day then bounced, these MAs tend to work like trampolines.
  • GME looks like it wants to go to 60 or something, just incredible look how it’s been building hls, pretty badass. GME is gonna be juicy one of these days, but not today, when citron covers at 100 that’s when I’m gonna go short, let them squeeze the amateur shorts out and that’s where our edge comes in.
  • EH looks interesting for a potential short today, it’s now up 3days in a row. This gap down is very unfortunate, would have been better if it didn’t gap down. Yeah I took a loss on a starter, it traded super thin, and it’s building hls on the 60min so I don’t think I’m gonna touch it more today, I don’t like it rn.
  • Eps doesn’t matter in this market, in this market only Rev growth matters, eps is irrelevant, it’s a new paradigm, idk how long it’s gonna last, but it doesn’t matter how much money the company loses if their rev growth is good.
  • TNA I covered before the close, now it’s gapping down. It had a big downtick last few mins, I closed it like here I was like nah it’s gonna bounce, ahh. Weird TNA took out lods but IWM not even close to taking out lods, interesting.
  • BLDP and FCEL really flagging nicely, I hope PLUG also tightens up a little bit more, these things are building some powerful flags. They look amazing, I hope they can tighten up and maybe go early next week.
  • U is starting to go, off the 50day bounce. Look at how clean and orderly it is, made a big move after the ipo, tripled almost, pulled back, orderly pullback to the 50day, started building hls, bouncing off the 50day, kinda tight day past two days and now it’s breaking out of this range. PLTR looking kinda similar, I would love to see a little bit more sideways.
  • CCIV bought breakout orhs. CCIV reminds me of XPEV a couple of months ago, this is exactly what CCIV looks like, like here [12/11/2020], now I’m not saying it’s gonna make a move like XPEV but it’s a htf on the 60min, very short on the daily, but these high momo names they can have really really short flags sometimes. CCIV stopped out, what a pos, this is no XPEV.
  • GBTC bouncing off the 50day now, it didn’t really touch the 50day, which is a sign of strength.
  • MSTR incredibly strong, so much stronger than BTC itself, this thing barely got below the 10day, while BTC dipped to the 50day.
  • JMIA wow, look how nicely it bounced off the 20day yesterday, touched it, reclaimed, and now it’s breaking higher. Yeah JMIA I bought here [12/1/2021], it wasn’t like a super clean setup but this is what I saw, this ascending triangle, so on the 60min I bought it here, 40.42 my avg. So you see these hls, a break of a range, and preferably you get some tightness before that breakout.
  • SI was an exception, you had these very wide candles yesterday and the day before, but the range was still kinda very clean, you can clearly see the overall trend, it showed rs to BTC itself, it undercut the 20day and reclaimed while BTC is still below the 20day and 10day, still in a pullback, so it’s showing some big rs, so I made an exception.
  • NKLA, yeah if you zoom in a lot it looks decent, but yeah I think there are better stocks to trade out there, but yeah it could work it’s actually a high momo stock, it’s up 50% from the lows.
  • OSTK starting to look interesting, reminds me of when SPCE broke out of its range back in [18/11/2020]. And it’s actually now bounced off the 200day, building hls and it has this range break, very intriguing. This OSTK is one of the few crypto names that hasn’t gone yet, this thing can really run if it wants to, look at the move it made earlier last year went up 5000% from Mar2020 lows, holy sh*t, and now it’s been basing for a long long time. Breaking out, bought some.
  • I think no matter your account size, I think swingtrading is better, if I could redo my trading career I would have never started daytrading, I would have started swingtrading bc I think I would have been profitable much earlier, I think swingtrading is much superior. But some people like the action, it all depends on your personality and what you want from the markets, I want to maximise profits.
  • NNDM up 50% from where it broke out, I need to step up my game, this was almost a perfect htf breakout, look on the 60min, beautiful.
  • TSLA taking out lods, I had to redo it, it’s weaker than the indices, I couldn’t resist, did 11kshares. It’s probably not gonna fade, but in case it does. I just see a good r/r scenario. Man if TSLA loses the 65ema, things could get interesting, but on the other hand the 20day is not far away could find support there. Okay so TSLA bouncing off the 65ema perfectly, building another hl for now, and if it loses the 65ema later in the day, especially if it can build some lhs, I’m gonna double up my position, not over the weekend but just intraday incase we get a big fade into the close, only if that scenario happens.
  • Volume on these mcaps is usually obvious after the fact, like it always has a lot of volume, I don’t really look too much at stuff like volume much on these lcap and mcap stocks, it’s easier on something like a microcap/nanocap, bc they trade more like sporadic.
  • NNOX yesterday, broke out on big big volume, traded almost 10x avg daily volume, it looked good, was a good looking flag, I didn’t have on wl bc too thin for me, but looked good. Had a big move, pulled back, consolidated, got tighter, started building hls, surfing the 50day, then broke this range. Really really good setup.
  • MSFT, look how great it looks on the weekly, look at how clean it is, hls for the past 6/7months, been surfing the 20weekly, undercut it reclaimed, undercut it made a hl, reclaimed. These types of patterns, it’s like a map over the supply and demand of a stock, and that’s our job, our job is to read the supply and demand, and trade in the direction of where the money is going. That’s our job, to read the map and to navigate the terrain correctly, that’s our job as traders.
  • Analysts I really don’t pay attention to, you see it on stock after stock, it doesn’t give you an edge following analysts. Analysts follow price, price doesn’t follow Analysts. It’s what Soros calls reflexivity, price drives narrative. Yeah for daytrading purposes Analyst upgrades and downgrades can be tradable events, but on the other hand there’s always reasons for stocks to go up or down, and you may not find out until later, so it’s important just to stick to your setups, follow the price, that’s all that matters. I think trading is all about tuning most noise out.
  • PLUG, instead of anticipating it, why not just wait for a break out? Buy it 50c/$1 higher and get confirmation, bc if you buy it here and use lods as stop this thing could go sideways for several days without even doing anything, and then it could stop you out anyways. I’m not really a fan of anticipating breakouts.
  • I look at the quality of the setup, and also catalysts like what’s the reason for the stock to go up. Momo is one reason, if there is just pure momo that’s a reason for stocks to go up, it’s a thing, but I usually want more. PLUG also has this sexy story, fuel cells, but then they also had a sexy story back in 2014 but when the momo shifted it went down a lot.
  • The biggest mistake I’ve made on a lot of these stocks is I’ve been trailing the 10day and not the 20day, LAC I’m gonna trade with the 20day.
  • There is so many nuances, it takes a long time even for a simple breakout setup, there’s so many nuances to it, and when you look back and study hundreds or even thousands of historical examples, you really don’t get the feel for the market, like what was happening at the time, what was the sentiment, did it show rs, stuff like that, these things matter. Rs really matters if you trade breakouts, that’s why the best time to buy stocks is when the market had a correction, like these 5-10% corrections in an uptrend those are the best times. E.g. The correction early Sep2020, a good time to buy stocks was here, a lot of stocks starting to breakout even before the market turned higher. Then the market pulled back and a lot of those setups did fail but not all of them, then early Nov2020 that’s where I started to go heavy, just so many 5* setups. So many things, like ROKU, TTD, SPWR.
  • The market actually needs to go down to see rs, the market hasn’t gone down for a long time, for several months.


  • I pulled an all nighter on hearts of iron four. What can I say I have an addictive personality, when I find something I enjoy I can really zoom in on things, just ignore everything else.
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