263 [Many stocks are starting to speed up! Jan 8, 2021]

  • NUGT sold premarket for a loss, all out of gold etfs now, GLD broke down fell back into the range unfortunately, was a failed breakout. If you get stopped out AH and PM you have to get rid of it, unless there’s absolutely no volume, you’ve gotta get out. You have to keep track of your stocks AH and PM, you can’t come to the market 15mins before open, I usually check in like 2/2.5hours before open, check in and look at how my stocks are doing, and then I check in several times before the market opens, you have to do it. And AH too, I usually check in like 30mins/1hour after the market has closed, check in on my stocks incase something is starting to gap against me, bc sometimes they do, sometimes news is released and sh*t goes to sh*t.
  • TTCF, I like this setup very nice and linear, look how it’s surfing the 10day, building hls here around the 10day and building a nice flag.
  • DM I missed yesterday, it’s a hot sector battery related or 3d printing or whatever, it’s straight up. SBE is another one, battery stock that looks good, which didn’t go yet, so I like that one. Maybe this XL kinda starting to shape up on the 60min, preferably goes sideways another day so this declining 10day can come down a little bit, so we can get more consolidation.
  • MSTR I think is gonna pullback to the 20day sooner rather than later, but is today the day idk. BTC has been straight up, double now from breakout when it hit aths, it all depends on this one. If I see a good low risk setup MSTR I may do some, maybe as a hedge to my other crypto longs. MARA also, I’m gonna keep my GBTC and RIOT as I think they will go higher throughout the year, but I will do MARA and MSTR on the short side if I see a good setup.
  • MSTR shorted orls. Going lower but don’t have fullsize on it. MSTR now on a vwap test, if it fails vwap may add a bit more. I think could pullback to the 10day maybe 20day, there’s a lot of downside on this thing, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen since BTC itself is holding up very well. So MSTR failed at vwap again.
  • MARA shorted orls. MARA took a loss on it stopped out hod.
  • GBTC no absolutely not it’s been going sideways for two days, there was a parabolic setup on it yesterday, and you have a trade in it when it lost vwap late day and went straight down, ignore this wick it’s an otc stock, but yeah had a bit of a fade and then it reclaimed. I hope this thing can go straight line to like 100 or something.
  • SBE bought orhs. Okay stopped out, sorry for this wick.
  • If you see a good setup you buy it, doesn’t matter if you got stopped out, it’s irrelevant, a good setup is a good setup.
  • LAZR, it’s a tricky one, it’s already been up several days in a row, I don’t see a clear defined range here, I would prefer if it went sideways a bit more, built an actual range.
  • TSLA rn building lhs, I’m gonna keep my long, trailing it with the 10day, not gonna touch it. TSLA is starting to speed up, I hope it does something like it did a year ago, when it was grinding higher like it is now, surfing the 10day then it just started speeding up. Like Jan2020, was kinda grinding higher like it is now, surfing the 10day, then it started moving in gaps and started going straight up, I really hope it does something similar now.
  • LEU, UUUU, these uraniums look great.
  • SPOT yesterday not really that clean kinda choppy, maybe 3.5*, was def a flag here no doubt but I prefer tightness before the breakout, SPOT didn’t have it, as you know I’m really really a fan of tightness before a breakout, at least some kind, even if it’s only one day.
  • FVRR broke out like 4days ago, was also 3.5/4* setup, was a nice one look at the triangle it built, range with hls, big momo stock, def a valid setup.
  • FUBO yeah if the 10day can come down a little, it’s actually building a little bit of a flag here right above the 50day, is surfing the 50day now. Ideally it goes sideways a few more days, but there could be a nice setup here, wouldn’t surprise me if it breaks out of this 30 and goes back to like 40 in an instant, but ideally goes sideways a few more days.
  • BILI losing vwap, shorted some. So this is straight up action, up like 5 days in a row, premise of the trade is nothing goes up forever, and it’s been building a little bit of lhs, so we’ll see, if it can take out the highs I’m out. It could very easily pullback to the 10/20day or maybe lower. So I shorted a couple of things, if they close weak I’m gonna hold them over the weekend, if they don’t I’m gonna cover. I kinda hope this BILI stops me out and goes to 125 or something today and then gaps up on Monday, MSTR too, that’s the thing with shorts, you kinda always want them to stop you out and go higher, bc you always know the setup is gonna be even better, kind of a funny thing with parabolic shorts.
  • LAC reclaiming, it’s now green on the day again, so all the extended stocks they just cannot break down, or if they go down they just bounce back up, that’s a sign of strength.
  • JMIA, omg this thing for next week is gonna be amazing, it’s actually building a htf here now. It tried to pullback, went back into range, ideally it goes sideways a few more days, I like this one, not today but next week.
  • BLNK too, guys this market is never gonna stop, there’s constantly new htfs setting up it’s insane, I can’t believe this market. You think you’re near the end and then you find new really good setups.
  • QS I sold near the close yesterday, you could clearly see it couldn’t get above these emas, built these lhs, had a range break here, so yeah I sold it near the close.
  • I would never have thought I would have reached this kinda scale in trading, when I started out I thought it was impossible to make more than 100k per year from the stock market. And rn it just feels like a computer game, just feels unreal, it’s too easy. When someone tells you 10% a year is max? It’s called limiting beliefs, if you believe something is true it’s prob gonna be true, that’s why it’s so important to find inspiration from successful traders, bc you’re like ‘woah if that guy can do it why can’t I do it?’
  • What gave me my beliefs? Idk just reading and studying a lot, studying from the best traders, you gotta study the best traders, not some random shmuck on twitter that daytrades 100k account, learn from guys like Zanger, Livermore, read the Market Wizards books, you gotta learn from the best, not some guy on twitter that sells a daytrading service, no.
  • DDD still going higher, I can’t believe the volume in DDD yesterday, and it doesn’t even have that big of a guidance, the consensus was 140M they guided to 170-176M, and the stock was up 130% on insane volume 193Mshares, that’s the market we are in rn. Look at the weekly chart, look at the volume, just to show you how crazy this market is, traders are literally looking to trade anything, like the volume and the moves in this market are just insane.
  • NNOX it’s a good looking one, like a 4*, looks good, look at how it’s building hls and now it’s breaking this range here, kinda been surfing above the 50day.
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