- AAL, still short, it’s gapping up a little bit but gapping up into a lot of resistance in the mid high 10s, so we’ll see how it acts here.
- W up 700% from the lows, pretty intense.
This is the reason why you don’t hold stuff into earnings, especially if you’re short, or if you’re not a lot itm already. This is the reason. It’s just gambling, and we’re not in the gambling business, we’re in the trading business. It could also fade from here, could be a sell the news kinda thing, but we don’t know until it happens. For a large cap stock to be up 700% in 1.5months, that’s just extreme, think it’s a reason for profit taking here.
- W just shorted some anticipating orls, small starter, if it takes out orls will add to it.
Shorted some more orls.
Would love to see one more push towards vwap to add.
Low 168 area [orls] could be an add spot, it’s getting rejected off vwap again.
- MDB bought some, looks amazing, and they have earnings in a month, so long way off.
- CHGG this looks great,
just taking out this year long range, has been building hls for two years.
Gap up over base, another example is TDOC Oct last year, similar chart,
DXCM is another.
Bought some [orhs], gonna be a long term hold. 3dollar risk to possibly make maybe 30, I like the risk reward. It’s gonna take many months, maybe quarters, but I’m willing to hold it for a long time.
I hope it goes straight up, the best ones are the ones that go straight up without a pullback.
- MRNA had a bad reversal off the highs. This MRNA is one of my fav setups for the long and potentially the short [htf]. It’s in a tight range, is gonna have a big move either way.
- OAS I’m buying some here on dips, I’m gonna add as it goes higher. I just really like the setup on the 60min chart, I think this thing could go to $1.50-2.00.
WLL too, they both look so good on the 60min chart. Took a tiny starter [1/5].
- NCLH I’m short some, if it loses the 20day, I wanna be there.
This is a pretty heavy bankruptcy candidate. I wanna have some short. Should have added to this thing when it took out lods.
- MVIS another homerun trade gapping up to 1.60s today, I bought it late yday had enormous volume, bought at 98c and added at 1.05s.
Put in some more sell orders, this is becoming a big big trade, what a gift from yesterday.
Picture perfect setup just after UAVS, exact same scenario; forward looking event (partnership speculation), and you had the tight setup late day yesterday, you could get all the shares you wanted.
- Some of the biggest movers don’t have earnings, earnings haven’t mattered that much in this market. But they will matter, eventually it will matter, but rn with all the free money being thrown around, low interest rates etc etc, I guess it doesn’t matter.
- I’m more excited over the short side than the long side rn, bc I just see more short setups than long setups developing, for now. The only long setups I really see are biotechs and software, and these things are already straight up so there’s not really super great setups in those sectors. Idk I just can’t get super duper bullish here, but I see so many short setups, that’s what’s worrying me. I’ve been super bullish many times, oct/nov/dec2019 dec/jan/feb/mar2019, there are times I get super bullish, but this is not one of those times. I think this is a time to be cautious, and be very very selective. Bc we already had a big run, and I know every time after a big big run, things get choppy.
- GSX, citron has been claiming some big time fraud. They report the 6th and I think citron is gonna report some new info on it 7th, after earnings. So this is something I’m watching closely now, if the stock doesn’t go down on the citron stuff, if it really is like a smoking gun, this thing could have a serious squeeze. Bc I think a lot of people may be short this thing, especially after what happened to LK.
- The market is the most annoying thing ever, it really knows how to f*ck with everyone. This is why most people just don’t make it, they just can’t handle the frustration.