1 [My FIRST trading stream! Oct 1, 2019]

  • Test, test, test. Can anyone hear me? I have no idea how this works, hello? Can someone type in the chat to confirm you hear me.
  • These are my positions, this is my long watchlist I have nothing in my short watchlist rn.
  • MNK I caught this thing near the lows caught a good chunk of this move, then got stopped out when it faded back, big move down almost 50%. Now watching long side again, next leg higher why can’t it go back to $4? This is the kind you can risk 10/15c to make $1/1.50. Starting to wake up a little bit, starting to take out orhs, I’ll buy it if it breaks 2.54, use this 2.47 as my stop, I’ll buy 50kshares, really tight stop 10c. Put my stop at lods, I may add if we get some more volume another 25/30kshares. Rn it’s lagging which I don’t like, ENDP and TEVA performing much better, but I like MNK the most bc it has the best r/r, risk 10c to make 10/15/20x as much. That’s what trading is all about, small losses, big gains.
  • MNK I bought on some news, bc this thing has big range, doesn’t follow the market, if it’s gonna go it’s gonna go, it’s down 90% this year if it wants to double it’s gonna double no matter what. Very close to stopping me out, got rejected on this declining yellow line the 20day, every time this thing has been a resistance.
  • Not really looking at many things rn bc the market has been so choppy, swing and position trading hasn’t been great he past few months but these lower priced smaller cap names have been moving, they can make nice moves even though the market is choppy.
  • I trade everything, mostly mid caps but small and large caps too.
  • I’m using cp securities and ib.
  • Markets open, I’m letting things settle for the first few minutes usually.
  • JCP low priced very beaten down stock, made a big move more than doubled off the lows, now it’s kinda flagging here, hls for the past months. Why can’t it double? if it doubles to $2 gonna be pretty much back to where it was earlier this year.
  • MELI also trying to perk up from this little consolidation. Had a bit of a pullback, found some support. MELI have to use like a $10 stop, I’ll buy 1000shares, I’ll risk 10k, this is for a longer term trade. MELI is the AMZN of sa, very dominant in sa, and it’s breaking out one of the leaders rn this is the reason I’m buying it, not just some random stock that looks good.
  • XRT retail etf idk breakouts haven’t been working for a few months, but it looks really great, been going sideways 6/7years. I’ll put this in my backtracking watchlist, I usually track all the major breakouts and breakdowns then look them up a few weeks/month later to see how they performed, it’s all about pattern recognition, training your brain to see patterns.
  • VIVE yeah these things can move, but this looks so toxic, recent reverse split, these can move but you have to be in early, the buy point was orhs it’s too late now. Yeah so without even looking at their filings, I bet they have toxic financing, and now someone is pumping this. If you’re in early they can do up a lot like several hundred percent intraday, but a lot of times this is what happens, they run and then they just tank, bc they’re selling into this, they’re selling paper into all these crazy people buying these things.
  • MRVL looks great, big flag, had a big run this year, and it’s been building hls for the past 7/8/9months. Look at the weekly, this thing looks great.
  • APPS I bought on this earnings day [4/6/2019] had a nice breakout here on earnings, small saas name.
  • BW another beaten down name, this thing is down 98% over the past 3 years, I think it’s a good r/r, I bought a few weeks back, rn it’s flagging this thing could go to $10.
  • GGAL another beaten down name, I usually buy strong stocks but there’s been a huge rotation over the past months from these high flying growth names to these beaten down names so I have to adapt, I have to trade what’s working, I can’t stick to something that’s not working.
  • TEN another beaten down name breaking the flag, I’m buying some of this, I’ll buy 10kshares so my risk is 12.57, risking about $5k. Stopped out, but let’s say it starts breaking out again 2/3/5days from now I’ll buy it back bc the chart looks great. This is very different from daytrading bc in daytrading you’re trying to get high winrate like over 50%, but your r/r is smaller, it’s very hard to get 5/10x r/r intraday. But in swing/position trading like every trade I try to get 5/10x r/r but my winrate is very low maybe 30%, so it’s a different kind of trading.
  • The reason I am swing and position trading nowadays is bc of account size. Daytrading is great if you have an account that’s small say less than a million, that’s a great way to trade, and it’s the fastest way to learn trading, and growing your account bc you do a lot of trades. But once you get to 1/2M you just can’t scale that it’s so hard, so you have to find other ways of making money.
  • Flag breakouts is the setup that’s been working best for me, that’s where I made most of my money in my trading career, I’ve been trading for 8years. Flags work on all timeframes, you can trade flags on the daily chart like I am now, or intraday flags, it’s the same principal you just have to define your timeframe.
  • Usually my position sizing I try to be no more than 1% avg daily volume, so if I have to buy and sell on the same day I don’t wanna be more than 2% of the avg.
  • NUGT going higher, I’ve had some really good trades on this, I bought it orhs [31/5/2019] then added and got stopped on the add, added stopped on the add. USLV also had a perfect htf a few months ago [22/08/2019] unfortunately I overstayed a little bit. I can’t believe how perfect this flag is, went up 50% in a month, went sideways tightened up, just a perfect breakout went up another 40% in two weeks, you don’t get these kinds of perfect htfs very often.
  • YINN I’ve been trading a lot this China etf, especially early last year when it made big moves, traded a lot both on the short and the long, this is my go to etf when it comes to China stocks, instead of buying a bunch of them individually. FXI is much slower moving, YINN has 2.3%ADR.
  • ADR is a custom indicator I made in tc2000, tracks the avg intraday range, I generally scan for stocks over 2.5%ADR, everything below that s just too slow moving, you want fast stocks that can make explosive moves.
  • For high r/r potential, range. Not only ADR but you also want big range, you want things down 80/90% over the past 6months or a year, and you want clean charts, like look at AA it’s kinda choppy no clean defined moves, then TEN you get cleaner moves, look at this past run look how clean it was.
  • A lot of this is experience based, I have a huge database in evernote, literally tens of thousands of charts and stocks that’s I’ve annotated with news and earnings and stuff like that. This is a project I’ve been working on for 6years, constantly updating it, I have thousands of stocks. It’s the same patterns keep repeating, and if you can get good news, or even some bad news and the stock is not going down and even starts going up that’s also a good sign. I would say news and fundamentals are great but 95% is price action, like it doesn’t really matter if the fundamentals and news are great or bad, it’s all about price action. It can be kinda confusing bc the markets don’t make sense, ever, you just have to get used to that sometimes good news is bad and bad news is good.
  • I have a few scans here, this is a scan of my watchlist of strong momo stocks and with good fundamentals. EP scan I got from stockbee, then a momo watchlist where I scan this is where I get all of the stocks from these gainer scans. ADR scan and OTC scan, ETF scan, and stocks with higher ADR%.
  • Breakouts I buy them as they break out, I don’t care if it’s morning, afternoon or midday or something it doesn’t matter, for me it’s important that the market is good, that the setup is solid and that there is preferably volume, usually you get volume when there is news, above avg volume.
  • I also have another custom indicator ATR, shows the avg intraday move doesn’t include gaps, ADR includes gaps, ATR doesn’t and it’s in cents, I usually have a rule when a stock is up more than it’s ATR I don’t buy it.
  • Some of my better trades this year have been on earnings gaps, ROKU I bought here [9/5/2019] also added here [9/8/2019] look at this volume, this thing was very obvious even pm. ENPH another [1/5/2019] high volume and earnings. MELI another [27/2/2019] I think I bought it orb then it dipped below and then it went over 70% over the next few Qs but I got stopped out and never bought again. Earnings gappers, if I had only to trade one setup it would be stocks that gap up on surprising good earnings with high volume.
  • I usually look at the 1/5min chart at the open, sometimes I even buy pm if they’re liquid enough, some of these are very liquid pm they’re trading like the market is open and that’s what you want to see on the best earnings breakouts. But I usually buy 1min orh and put a stop lods, and/or the 5min, then if I want to add even more I wait for the 5min to form.
  • I started with about 5k and I blew up in the first 2months. Then I went back to work started again with like 3/4k and blew up again, so I took a loan started again and blew up again. then I took another loan and then I kinda went sideways for about a year, and then I started making money. So the first year I blew up like 3times and I was close to blowing up another couple of times the second year. And now let’s just say I don’t need to trade anymore.
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